Watching Miss Messenger leave, Klein glanced at the letter in his hand and considered the problem of West Balam again.

He believed that he needed to make preparations in case that Mr. Azik wouldn’t reply to him in the next month. That also meant that when July came, he might very well have to head to West Balam with a few military personnel, without the Death Consul’s protection. If that happened, the shadow of the Rose School of Thought would ultimately hang over him.

Two choices. If I confirm that it’s extremely dangerous, I’ll directly abandon my identity as Dwayne Dantès. On the contrary, I should seriously consider a “customer list.” I will not have myself involved in any faction that’s suspected to have ties with the Rose School of Thought… Hmm, I might as well set a target first to make any unexpected developments be controllable… The information provided by Danitz likely comes from Vice Admiral Iceberg. The two native generals mentioned seem rather special… The other factions, regardless of the reason, will have a note of their ties with Loen, Intis, Feysac, and Feynapotter, or the various inclinations of internal factions that form a counterbalance. Only, for them, there is no mention of foreign countries other than the point about receiving support from the Numinous Episcopate… Klein read the content from beginning to end as he vaguely figured something out.

He had his initial suspicions that the two native generals were related to the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. The reason why Edwina didn’t make any note was to deliberately point out their uniqueness, telling Gehrman Sparrow that they were targets to cooperate with.

This way, she didn’t need to worry that there would be a leak from Danitz, as there was no information to leak other than a hint.

Maysanchez, Katamia… The former receives the support from the royal faction of the Numinous Episcopate. The latter secretly claims to be a descendant of Death… Heh, even if it’s real, who knows how many generations separated he is. If he were to meet Mr. Azik, how should he refer to him? Klein chuckled and shook his wrist, burning up the letter.

Following that, he began enjoying an exquisite afternoon tea in the half-opened room with the balcony until Walter entered and whispered, “Sir, the police are here again. It’s regarding Cuarón’s suicide.”

The matter’s clues superficially pointed to Dwayne Dantès, so even though Baron Syndras had handled the matters, the police would visit him from time to time. Otherwise, the reporters would claim that it was a dereliction of duty by the police.

As for the assault on Member of Parliament Macht, as Dwayne Dantès was only a relatively important eyewitness, they didn’t disturb him further after taking his statement.

“Invite them to the activity room on the second floor with the garden.” Klein placed the butter sponge cake he had taken a few bites from onto the plate and drank a mouthful of tea.

As the master, he didn’t need to worry that his food would go to waste. This was because the leftovers would be given to the servants. If he were to eat them clean all the time, or request them to prepare the perfect proportions, then his reputation as a stingy master would spread across the servants on the street before reaching the ears of the ladies and gentlemen.

Walter replied with an unperturbed expression, “They wish for you to head to the police station. Today is the day the Cuarón family will be identifying the suspect in a police lineup.

“They say that they are very sorry, but this is a necessary process that cannot be skipped.”

Klein slowly got up as he said, “Understandable. Richardson, get me my coat, hat, and cane.”

Since he was already no longer involved in the matter, he was rather willing to figure out what Cuarón and his family had encountered from a bystander’s perspective, and also how the matter had been directed towards Baron Syndras.

a spacious room in the

man and woman, a woman in her late thirties, a teenager who was around the

suspects behind the glass wall before landing on Dwayne Dantès at the same

clenched his hands into

thirties suddenly wept as

who was holding

Return daddy

calm, while the other

never even met them before

memories? He frowned slightly. As he sighed, he began

in the mortuary beneath

began sketching as

at the police station, with the possibility of her encountering reporters when entering or exiting, she didn’t wear her usual

was a desk, oriel window, ink bottle, revolver, and other items appearing on the

window, there was

mix of silver and raven-black. The wrinkled figure had a broad forehead and high cheekbones. He

hand dropped

who offered to help, and the two police inspectors who were in charge of the liaison, “In the second that Cuarón committed suicide, he struggled deeply in his heart. That is to say that his suicide is a result of Cuing and Guidance. This isn’t a simple psychological

suffering an explosion from his spirituality. Before his death, he would restore the truth to a certain degree. This is the scene that’s fixed

high-ranking inspector beside her

saw is the real murderer? Baron Syndras

Leonard Mitchell immediately scoffed.

see might not be equivalent

I can find a person that looks like Baron

pleased with the explanation as they

trouble the two of

Daly rubbed the corner of her eyes. “I’ll use the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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