After entering 22 Phelps Street, Audrey instantly saw Dwayne Dantès walk out from the side corridor.

This good-looking and gentlemanly gentleman was wearing a black formal suit and holding a gold inlaid cane. He was communicating with the foundation’s staff beside him.

As though sensing Audrey’s gaze, Dwayne Dantès naturally turned his head and looked at the door. Then, his eyes lit up in amazement like he had seen a treasure. Following that, he smiled and gently nodded as a greeting.

Audrey returned with a smile and nod that wasn’t a breach of etiquette in any way. She then followed the Loen Charity Bursary Foundation’s staff that came to escort her and walked up to the second floor.

During this process, although she didn’t look in any other direction, but be it the talent of a woman or her instincts as a Spectator, they told her that Dwayne Dantès’s gaze kept following her figure in secret until the wall beside the staircase blocked his view.

Impeccable acting! He perfectly played out the reaction of what a gentleman who has zero resistance against beauties but remains sufficiently reserved and cultured would do when meeting me for the second time. It’s as though we have only met once at the charity party the last time… It’s exactly as I imagined. He was even able to light up his eyes…

This is a technique that’s part of his Beyonder pathway, or is it an ability that he possesses to begin with? I have to say that Gehrman Sparrow, uh—I think it’s better to use Mr. Gehrman Sparrow is a professional, no—an excellent actor. Furthermore, he doesn’t act in an exaggerated manner like those play actors… Audrey complimented in thought before seeing a few reporters waiting to interview her about the establishment of the Loen Charity Bursary Foundation on the second floor.

She wasn’t a noble lady who enjoyed having her photo plastered on the papers. As she exchanged a few words with her valet that had accompanied her to inform the reporters that pictures were forbidden by Earl Hall’s authority, she went into the VIP lounge with her lady’s maid, Annie.

Earl Hall was friends with the owners of a few publishing houses and had made the corresponding investments to acquire quite a bit of their shares. If Audrey so wished, she could exchange some of the estate she received in order to create a sizable publishing house.

In the VIP lounge, Audrey, who didn’t find it appropriate to bring her dog, greeted the children of the rich and aristocracy, as well as the Church’s clergymen. She habitually found a seat where she could see everyone, and she waited until the opening ceremony began and for the first board of directors meeting to begin.

She surveyed the area and said to the female staff that was in charge of escorting her, “Lovesa, this is my first time joining in the actual operations of a charity organization. I wish to know what we should do.”

The lady named Lovesa was still in her twenties. She also had blonde hair with somewhat rough skin and tanned freckles. However, her smile was brilliant, making her rather affectionate.

Upon hearing Audrey’s question, Lovesa introduced without holding anything back, “The current plan is to not be too eager in widening the scale. We will start mainly with Backlund and reach deep into the public primary schools, weekday schools, and night schools, promoting the bursary to all the students and let those in need to apply to us.

“After the application, we will organize a committee to do the exact audit. This will not only require us to make some verifications with the government, but we would also walk across the grounds to understand the candidate’s actual situation.

is over, we will disburse the bursary and help the

as Lovesa said that, a male voice

for them to enter institutes of higher learning. If we aren’t efficient enough, there will be many students from poor families that will give up taking the examination

completely affects each and every child’s life. Therefore, we need to begin quickly and not waste

than Dwayne Dantès who had just

schools to gain experience in their profession, this is a critical period. Once they give up the entry examinations this time, they will have to wait till next June… I actually forgot this. Ma’am Lovesa and the foundation staff seems to have missed this problem… Mr. Dwayne Dantès actually noticed such a detail and had considered those children who

what a Spectator

assassin, adventurer on the surface but has a warm heart deep down? Unfortunately, I’ve only been able to obtain descriptions regarding Gehrman Sparrow’s crazy side. I’m unable to find any concrete proof… Audrey blinked

can bring their documents to us to apply for a withdrawal. For relatively cheaper board and lodging, things don’t have to be that troublesome. They can obtain a fixed sum of money every month or week. This is to prevent the applicant’s parents and siblings from spending the money. To a poor family, this is an irresistible temptation. Similarly, an account corresponds to one person. No matter who is withdrawing it, the person has to be present. This can effectively prevent people from suffering from

to his chest and said to Audrey and Lovesa, “Sorry, pardon me for

and said, “Mr. Dantès, your suggestions are excellent. You have opened my eyes to matters that I never

us is meaningless. I’m only listening

and said, “Yes, you should mention all of these at the first

deliberately coming over to convince Miss Audrey first? With Justice’s part in this, I can ensure that there will be no objections from the board of directors. Otherwise, it might easily be tabled or altered by someone using some excuse such as lacking manpower… Klein made an enlightened and

Being all anxious about these matters and forgetting my place! Hahaha! Sometimes, I just wish that things will be made into reality once I’m given the

communicate with me ahead of time without leaving behind any traces. He wants me

she hadn’t communicated with The World ahead of time, she believed that she would support this Tarot Club member of hers. However, being able to exchange some ideas ahead of time left her rather happy. This was because she felt that he was

in the lounge, Audrey looked away and said to Lovesa, “What I’m

be a simple matter for

didn’t object to

and said, “If I have the time to spare, can I join you in visiting the different schools for the promotions,

green eyes and took in her request that she couldn’t resist, her heart softened. She felt

able to be of greater use. It will prevent the higher-ups from always formulating unrealistic measures… Lovesa

“No problem.

won’t be able to wear such a dress

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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