For a second, Klein’s act of casually sweeping his gaze paused on that familiar person’s figure.

He immediately sensed the abnormality in his reaction since a demigod’s spiritual perception wouldn’t fail to notice it.

His back muscles tensed up as his mind raced, producing figurative sparks.

He didn’t immediately move his gaze away as he continued looking at the demigod suspected to be from the Black Emperor pathway. He smiled at Macht and said, “This place really isn’t just for veteran officers.”

This sounded like a result of careful observation, but it was nothing but meaningless chatter.

Macht chuckled.

“Any club will exceed its original restrictions when it further develops itself.”

His answer didn’t seem to offer anything, but on careful consideration, it did seem to imply something or perhaps something that was the complete opposite.

At this moment, the broad-shouldered and long-armed gentleman in a black suit had also naturally turned his head. He looked at the two men, and he noticed that the tycoon who had donated 15,000 pounds was looking at him and his companions while engaging Member of Parliament Macht with a whisper.

This made him feel that his look of surprise was more of a natural reaction towards learning of his occupation.

Then, he retracted his gaze and continued his topic of conversation.

And at this moment, Klein’s back was covered in a layer of cold sweat, and his legs were going limp.

Although he had, in a way, faced the demigod before and had even fought with him, to have such a close encounter in such a small place, with danger happening in a split second, this was a first. And more importantly, he was far from prepared to face a demigod. Not only did he lack a marionette, all he had on him was Death Knell, Azik’s copper whistle, and the adventurer’s harmonica.

The Sea God Scepter was impossible to bring on his person. Furthermore, the usage of it had strict environmental limitations; otherwise, it would result in massive damage. If he kept Groselle’s Travels on him for too long, he might be pulled into the book world. When that happens, it would become troublesome trying to exit it. Creeping Hunger was still lacking a seal, so it needed to feed every day. Unless necessary, it was impossible to take it out ahead of time. The Fate Siphon charm was made from a Worm of Time, so it was an unknown if it would attract Amon. Unless he could use it very quickly, Klein obviously lacked the courage to bring it on him.

If the demigod who was suspected to be from the Black Emperor pathway had discovered something wrong with him, there was only one optimal solution he could think of.

It was to blow the harmonica and summon Miss Messenger to get her to help him escape Backlund via the spirit world!

He had never thought of letting Reinette Tinekerr engage in a direct battle while he held Death Knell from the side to find an opportunity to fire. This was Backlund, the home ground of the official Beyonders. With Miss Messenger’s unique appearance, that man could easily pin a crime on her, and what awaited Klein would be a joint attack on him. There was bound to be increasing numbers of demigods and powerful Sealed Artifacts.

adhered to logic. Using the Clown’s ability

uninterested as a way to prove that it was all just a

to look at him had exposed his appearance

a short and hard crew-cut of the same color. He had dark blue eyes and a high nose-bridge with a bushy mustache spreading out from his mouth. He had a long face with accentuated outlines as

probably in his thirties

that he looked more like

was closer to that of a

directly get Arrodes to answer him. Even if he

was, it was unlikely for him to have a

Klein left the East Balam Military Veterans Mess in

closed his eyes, and kept

truth of the Great Smog of Backlund has finally been connected

his eyes or say a word, as though he was recounting the business problems he had previously discussed. But in fact, it was to quell

speak a few times, only to shut his

a word, focused on preparing marquis black

previous encounter, Klein momentarily didn’t have the capacity to be bothered about him and had pretended

wheels, they returned to 160 Böklund

prepared by the lady’s maid when Richardson, who was holding

in cash to hand to Housekeeper Taneja for daily

he had a deeper understanding of the importance of having a butler and

that a master couldn’t keep from them; therefore, any conflict in faith and political

hesitated and said, “Sir, I was born in the Southern Continent and am fluent in Dutanese. I’m also very familiar with the various local

Balam Empire. In present-day East and West Balam, the citizens still used this language. Only people of the middle- and upper-class knew foreign languages like ancient Feysac, Loenese,

existing in it. Therefore, although the different states had different accents, they all used Dutanese.

hundred dialects and languages, that would be a headache… However, Dutanese and ancient Feysac doesn’t belong to the same system. I’m unable to easily grasp the various branches by learning the latter. Finding an interpreter is necessary. Oh, Anderson seems to be fluent in Dutanese. He never seemed to mention having any problems with communication in West Balam… Klein finished

a valet, he needed to follow whenever his employer headed out. There was no need for a

that a valet was like a secretary for the master’s daily life. In certain cases, they would also play a role as a

enjoyed his life in Backlund and everything it had to offer. He didn’t wish to return to the Southern Continent to see scenery or matters that would make him recall his past; therefore, when he got into the carriage, he had tried to mention his traits but was unable to voice it out. He wished

saying, “I can tell that you

slowly bowed his head and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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