Don’t dare to mention it or show it… At least for Arrodes, the Mother Tree of Desire is definitely stronger than Sequence 1 Zaratul. No, it’s even stronger than the Monster pathway’s Uniqueness, Die of Probability… There should be a way to circumvent the restriction to get Arrodes to display the corresponding information, such as bringing it above the gray fog… Heh heh, how is that possible? That won’t happen unless I’m already an angel and in complete control of that mysterious space… Klein’s eyes moved slightly without pressing the question. He asked, “It’s your turn to ask.”

The full-body mirror’s silver light turned brisk, forming a new sentence:

“Great Master, what other instructions do you have for me?”

Nice question! Klein thought for a moment and said, “After I leave Backlund, take note of Dr. Aaron Ceres’s family. Once his wife gives birth, remember to mention it to me when I summon you.”

After careful consideration, Klein believed that leaving this matter to Arrodes was for the best. After all, no one could monitor Dr. Aaron’s residence twenty-four hours a day. And what Klein needed to do was to switch residences at the end of the month to turn on the radio transceiver once.

“Alright, Master~” The words on the mirror reflected Arrodes’s mood. “I have a question.”

“Speak.” Klein nodded, giving permission.

This time, the sentence Arrodes presented were filled with pauses as though it was very hesitant.

“Great Master, what relationship does that child have with you?”

It seemed to be puzzled why a supreme ruler above the spirit world would pay so much attention to a yet-to-be-born infant.

Hmm, I’ve already said that it’s the yet-to-be-born child of Dr. Aaron Ceres; yet Arrodes fails to notice anything special about Will Auceptin… When it comes to hiding his fate and special traits, a Snake of Fate is far better than the angels of the other Sequences. However, the magic mirror is able to accurately give me the time when Tail Devourer Ouroboros would leave Backlund… Hmm, it’s likely that Will Auceptin’s reboot makes it difficult for high-leveled existences to notice anything. This might also be why “He” can avoid the Angel of Fate… Klein answered in enlightenment, “Friends.”

About being Will Auceptin’s godfather, it was just a casual thought. He didn’t have much confidence about that or dare to force it, afraid that he would annoy the Snake of Fate.

“Only friends…” Arrodes revealed an inexplicable sense of disappointment in its words. “Great Master, you can ask a question.”

Klein thought for a moment before saying, “Do you know who the person I met at the East Balam Military Veterans Mess is?

“If you aren’t sure who I’m referring to, I can draw him for you.”

In the dark and deep mirror, aqueous light surfaced, producing a cold and bearded man with dark blue eyes. It was none other than the demigod Klein suspected to be of the Black Emperor pathway.

text appeared

from MI9 and is a deputy director. He’s known to be a Sequence 5 from the Lawyer pathway, but he wields

the representative of the spy network for the faction of the royal family… Klein memorized the information given to him by the magic mirror. But for a moment, he was at a loss as to the direction for the investigation. After all, Qonas was a demigod, and be it spying or sounding him out, it

connections to obtain the relevant information. Furthermore, she was a Sequence 6 of the Spectator pathway. She could steer topics of conversation without garnering any suspicion,

that, although Spectators have lacking combat abilities, they are a force to be reckoned with in other aspects. Besides, with the powers of Psychiatrist and Hypnotist, Spectators can control and guide

the mirror’s surface

wish to

been too actively involved in it and


a silver line of

family’s consultant, Hvin Rambis, one of the councillors

Alchemists? Royal family’s consultant?

determine what the Psychology Alchemists were plotting, or if a particular faction of the royal family was dissatisfied with the

anchor’s requirement? I wonder if Hvin Rambis’s ploy is a personal act or decided by the organization. If it’s the former, that’s still alright, but if it’s the latter, it will be easier for Miss Justice to encounter difficult choices as her standing in the Psychology Alchemists rises… Klein’s thoughts whirred as he returned to the question-and-answer

them. However, he believed that, as a supreme

mirror’s surface transformed into another new line without any

already in Backlund as

avatar that came, I

you mean as I expected? When did I expect it? Klein pricked up his brows and

“I’m aware.

I’ll summon you again using the radio transceiver

is constantly awaiting your orders! Goodbye~” The mirror’s surface depicted an emoticon

watched in silence until

already made preparations to head to the Southern Continent. Apart from the luggage that contained two sets of clothes, 500 pounds, and some miscellaneous clothing that was meant for

anonymous account with a few hundred pounds from Miss Justice, he had no idea how long

it was almost three, Klein headed up above

in the same building, Blasphemer Amon

long, dark red beams shot up in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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