The ingredients used for Desi’s pies are much more generous than in Backlund. However, they prefer adding some local spices. It felt a little odd when taking the first few bites, but after getting used to it, it’s quite a different style… Klein sat inside his hotel and swapped between taking a mouthful of the oily pie and drinking a mouthful of cool, refreshing sweet ice tea. He was living quite an idyllic life.

After he had his fill, he didn’t immediately pack up. He picked up the top hat on the chair beside him and wore it.

Meanwhile, his left palm suddenly turned transparent as his entire body faded away.

Klein had entered the spirit world and was planning on Traveling to the Poto Harbor in the Berserk Sea. He was there to seek out food for Creeping Hunger.

Eskelson, where he was, did belong to Desi Bay, but it was nowhere along the coast since it was an island. This was the southernmost island of Desi Bay, and going past it meant one’s entry into the Berserk Sea.

Therefore, the second Klein headed for the predetermined coordinates, an abnormal sight appeared before his eyes.

The spirit world’s air flows seemed to be materialized as they spun into a wind. They howled as they enveloped a huge region that seemed boundless. It was dim inside, with layers of dark clouds. Bolts of lightning tainted with the deep gloom kept flashing, illuminating the surrounding area like it was the apocalypse.

At that moment, Klein felt as though he had arrived in a sea that was eternally ravaged by storms. However, he knew with certainty that this was the spirit world.

Indeed, it’s just like what many books on mysticism mention. The power involved with the perishing of Death has not only changed the atmospheric weather of the sea between the Northern Continent and Southern Continent, but it also filled it with disaster and danger. It’s how its name was derived. Furthermore, it also broke the barrier between reality and the illusory, tainting and damaging the corresponding spirit world and causing them to affect one another… In the Berserk Sea, if one holds a ritual that involves the spirit world, using powers related to the spirit world, there will be a high probability of an accident occurring, causing unimaginable developments… Klein reflected poignantly as he used his eyes to verify what the books wrote.

From his point of view, if it weren’t because of this, the various countries in the Northern Continent wouldn’t have waited for Emperor Roselle to find the safe sea route before they had a chance of invading the Southern Continent. After all, to most High-Sequence Beyonders, they could easily traverse normal kinds of natural barriers.

Roselle’s safe sea route wasn’t simply geological in nature, but also mysticism in nature!

This also meant that since the Berserk Sea and spirit world were influencing each other and overlapped, Klein could directly use the local sea maps to traverse the spirit world’s calamities.

Recalling the content he had read before, Klein found the correct location and entered the dark spirit world.

The howling of the gales sounded from every direction. Even the secondary gusts of wind left a chill running deep down from Klein’s soul or spine. This made him believe that if he had traveled in a Spirit Body state without the use of the Black Emperor card, Tyrant card, and Azik’s copper whistle to augment himself, there was quite a good chance of him suffering a serious injury.

And if this wasn’t the “safe sea route,” he believed that there was a chance his physical body couldn’t withstand the black storms that were filled with death.

Compared to the gales, the dark lightning bolts were far more dangerous. Klein suspected that he couldn’t even withstand being smote by one of them. As for the hidden maelstrom and the wandering creatures, they were another form of danger.

maelstrom… Klein followed the safe sea route and traversed


black hurricane. As it was formed by individual skulls, it was swollen and

either grayish-white or grayish-black of varying sizes. They were also from different species, and all of them were stacked into one, forming its torso, limbs,

saw this strange creature, it also discovered Klein. All the skulls turned

were countless in number as

he used Traveling to pass through the area, entering the next safe

sea, bloody arms and illusory greenish-black

black mausoleum stood inverted over the ground

that grew out from the cracks in the mausoleum’s bricks. Even the heavy door by the entrance

across his back as he stood with two other Elders of the six-member council.

watched silently for a moment before saying, “It should be possible

states, this Shepherd Elder was now staid and calm. She didn’t show any signs of abnormalities as

out a bottle of medicine from two different compartments on his

eyes rapidly brightened. His unwrinkled skin had blood

Chief drew a sword and smeared a silver-gray ointment

prepare, another six-member council Elder, Waite Chirmont,

man who had a tattooed symbol on his head stood nearly 2.5 meters tall. He didn’t look a day over 45. But in fact, he was nearly 80. He was also a Sequence 4 Demon Hunter, a demigod that was one of the main

of main ingredients, and with the citizens being aware of the acting method and having sufficient combat experience, they advanced from Low- to Mid-Sequences rather easily. Sequence 6 Beyonders were the majority, but from Sequence 5 onwards, due to the rituals required and other reasons,

so as to handle more complicated situations. He wielded an iron-gray hammer, and

side effects. In the historical records of the City of Silver, it received its name from killing a dragon at

hammer in front of him

as it grew longer from the pull, it formed a blinding and radiant arrow between the bowstring and

lightning arrow shot straight to the mausoleum’s

appeared to have long rotten. It exploded into pieces along with the electric bolt’s explosion, revealing a deep

It extended far beyond what one’s eyes could see, giving

eyes suddenly flashed with two complex, dark green symbols, and he reflected the mausoleum’s entrance

and walked into the mausoleum. Waite slung his Dragon Slaying Bow, picked up his hammer, and followed closely

as she followed through the shattered door at a decent pace

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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