The abnormality associated with the Berserk Sea is suspected to be a result of the perishing of Death… Legend has it that this deity’s corpse and items are hidden somewhere in these waters, awaiting someone with a special key to open it… This copper whistle came from Mr. Azik, and Mr. Azik is indeed a direct descendant of Death, as well as being from the first or second generation… Therefore, this copper whistle had sensed something or had been influenced? Thoughts flashed across Klein’s mind as they coalesced today to form a theory.

He planned on finding an inn in Poto Harbor, head above the gray fog, and use dream divination to attempt to obtain a revelation. Then, he would consider the time and method for returning to Eskelson Harbor. It was to prevent himself from encountering any avoidable accidents.

And before that, he needed to seek out food for Creeping Hunger.

After walking down the seaside cliff, Klein entered Poto Harbor.

The buildings here were pretty much built anywhere one desired. There was almost zero planning, causing the roads to be very wide or narrow to the point that it only allowed a single person passage. In certain areas, one couldn’t see the sky when looking up, only to see a swath of clothes that were hung up to dry.

Wearing a new face, Klein strolled through such an environment with many pedestrians dressed in pirate’s attire. He then habitually headed for the bar to seek out prey.

At this moment, he saw several people gathered at a noticeboard on a square up ahead.

What’s happening? With his curiosity piqued, Klein approached the area. Using his balance and agility as a Clown, he passed through the gaps of the crowd before he barely arrived at a spot where he could see the noticeboard.

On the noticeboard, there was a piece of paper that was overbearing, covering all the other pieces of paper. It was obvious at a glance.

Its title was: “The Black Emperor’s Crew Recruitment.”

The Black Emperor? Isn’t that the ship of King of the Five Seas, Nast? The one that can traverse the spirit world? Considering how he can be considered the King of Pirates, he’s actually openly recruiting crew members? Klein was rather surprised as he deliberately spoke out with a suppressed voice:

“How is that possible?”

“Why not?” A stout man beside him with his arm exposed from his rolled-up sleeves laughed out loud. “It might be impossible in the past, but it’s possible now!”

“Why?” Klein was hoping that someone would respond. Immediately, he turned his head and asked.

The stout man had tattoos all over his arms and cheeks, making him look fierce. Upon hearing that, he pointed at the main sea route’s direction and said, “A week ago, the Black Emperor and Loen’s highly promoted steam ironclad warship, the Pritz, met and clashed in a sea battle. The Black Emperor had many casualties and are in dire need of more manpower!

first reaction was that it didn’t make mystical

at sea, he knew that the Pritz was a warship in the normal sense. It lacked any Beyonder elements. Perhaps in terms of physical damage, it was stronger than the Black Emperor, but the latter could use the spirit world to “leap,” just like a large-sized version of a Traveler. There was

Nast was likely a Sequence 3 demigod of the Black Emperor paths of the divine. He was the most infamous powerhouse at sea. He could directly distort the trajectories of cannonballs, making him nearly invincible when

view, they were enemies at two completely different levels. Yet, the final

hide his astonishment as he blurted, “What about the

shook his head and replied, “I’m not too sure, but I heard that it wasn’t damaged. Only two corvettes were

before he

robbing the Tutanssess II mummy. The military’s demigod had used the law that had the power of mysteriousness weakened and the real strengthened. Once this came into effect, the Black Emperor was just a sailboat that was a little special with some

a demigod existence on the military’s side, or else such a

Black Emperor to flee under such a situation, King of the Five Seas Nast must be very, very strong. Below angels, he’s definitely one of the strongest… From the looks of it, due to the existence of the Arbiter pathway, the trajectory of

for Beyonders below Sequence 4, in a large-scale battle, apart from the few jobs that could take on the role of outputting offensive firepower or carry out effective defenses, the rest could only avoid a direct clash. They would then be the “cleanup crew” or simply provide support. For example, a Marionettist with all his marionettes feared no one in a Mid-Sequence Beyonder battle if fighting one-on-one. But once he was on a battlefield with shells hurtling everywhere and machine gunfire sweeping the area, the problem of being physically weak became a problem. Even with Paper Figurine Substitutes, one was unable to

bullets, nor are they afraid of being discovered by enemies. Furthermore, they have Shriek which can affect a huge area… Klein allowed his thoughts to wander when the man from before continued speaking, “You’re also thinking of joining the Black

not sure,” Klein casually

man who was covered in tattoos said in excitement, “I have plans

better at fighting than me here. I have rich experience as a pirate.

Black Emperor for too long. There are too many meaningless rules, such as not being able to plunder or kill defenseless people. Or something as silly as not being able to drag a woman you like unless it’s mutual. Did you

it that way and will not change! I’m only tempted to join because I heard that it’s possible for the Black Emperor

this man spoke excessively, he suddenly realized the

for a moment and asked, “Why are you looking at

suddenly, pinning down

into illusory blobs of light amidst swirling

his surroundings, he saw that Waite and Lovia had separately finished their corresponding targets. A region had been cleanly

a dark boat cruised over. It

as he muttered with a solemn

the other was troubled by the City of Silver’s absence of the Sequence 3 of the Giant pathway, Silver Knight potion formula. This prevented people from advancing once they reached the level of a demigod. They had thoughts of switching to a neighboring Sequence, and this plan had seen

mausoleum and eventually took up residence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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