Upon seeing this coiling feathered serpent deep inside the black fog, and a face at the top of the towering figure, Azik was first taken aback. Following that, the corner of his forehead throbbed as though he had been struck in the temple, splitting his head in two.

Amidst the excruciating pain, several incontiguous scenes flashed in his mind;

It was a feathered serpent with a face identical to his, even to the smallest detail;

Above a silent land, there were countless pale corpses;

Floating in midair, there were clouds stacked from bones that came from different species;

Black tentacles that drilled out from the ground, with eyes that resembled dead fish at the tip of each tentacle;

A transparent Spirit Body was forcefully pulled out of his body.

After these flashing scenes, a pair of white flaming eyes that were on the brink of extinguishing glanced over. A white feather stained with yellow oil fluttered down, splitting Azik’s transparent Spirit Body into two.

One of the parts suddenly flew up and plunged inside the “cloud of bones.” The remaining part fused with a golden accessory that had appeared out of thin air. Amidst the pale-white flames, it materialized back into a body of flesh and blood.

This scene was like a thunder god’s hammer striking down at Azik’s mind, again and again, making the pain hardly bearable. He raised his hand to his head as his knees gradually buckled as he knelt on the staircase.

He had finally recalled everything that had happened, and he understood the reason why he was constantly dying and reviving, always losing his memories and having to recover them every single time.

His soul wasn’t complete!

Similarly, Azik also understood why the feathered serpent suppressing the entire space in the depths of the black fog had an identical face as his.

It was him!

That was the other Azik Eggers!

And all of this was a concealed attempt before Death’s fall.

If stitching souls existed, there was naturally the splitting of souls. At that moment, the crazy and powerful Death had seemingly foreseen “His” outcome. Unwilling to die so simply, “He” secretly split the soul of his son, Balam Empire’s Death Consul. He took half of it away and used another item as a replacement, stitching it together with Azik’s soul.

It was a mystery if it was a deliberate arrangement of Death, or if it was an unintended consequence of the Numinous Episcopate’s Artificial Death Project, the half soul that had been taken away from Artificial Death had fused with the target of the Artificial Death Project—the Uniqueness of the Death pathway. It made the latter gain certain innate abilities as it began influencing High-Sequence Beyonders of the Corpse Collector pathway who had failed their advancement.

like Sequence 4’s Undying. And due to the golden accessory inside his body, and the calling from the other half soul, Azik, who started a brand new life every incarnation, would gradually recover his past

death once more. He wasn’t able to perform any in-depth investigations. Furthermore, the Numinous Episcopate’s Artificial Death Project had been raised in the past few centuries. It was only in recent times that they received some level of success. That

Haa! Haa! Haa!

point in time, Azik’s hands had left his head. They were placed on the

steps in front of him. They spread out into a layer of pale yellow oil, growing out into

as its desire. The two “selves” which had been separated for more

pain, unwilling to raise his head or reach out his right

seen it clearly. The “him” as a feathered serpent didn’t have any reason. It was filled with extreme coldness and madness. If he became one with it again, he

everything, forgetting everyone

Azik’s throat squeezed out the same word again. Irresistibly, he raised his neck bit

its own

out of nothingness, taking form inside

the shape of a tall, slender bird. Pale white flames emanated around it in

a painful growl. He raised his head completely as two

fog, the illusory and real feathered serpent had straightened its body. It reached its head out as the two identical faces of

pale-white flames leaped, bit by bit, Azik, whose hands were on the ground, struggled to stand up

The surroundings turned transparent, reflecting a world with

vines with baby faces, and slimy tentacles with dead fish eyes or two rows of sharp teeth tore through

East Balam, Kolain City.

her next target’s location,

Red Gloves team

seemingly in reverie, “I hear strange voices. I can sense the calling that stems from an unknown place… I even wish

you hear it?” Soest prudently asked the other

he heard the slightly-aged voice in his


distant Berserk Sea. He saw a swath of pure, deep-black darkness. There

closed, his outstanding spiritual perception allowed him to sense his surroundings. When he heard the painful murmurs and

Azik, it has inflicted him with adverse

was about to happen was not something he

He didn’t even dare open his eyes to

wasn’t a problem that could be solved with mere courage. It was a difference

he tried hard to think

it’s at a completely different level. It

Death Knell? Even worse…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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