Chapter 917 Three Choices

The strange turn of events inside the mausoleum left Klein, who had his eyes closed and his spirituality converged, completely unaware of what was happening. He had no idea if it was something good or bad. Therefore, even though he had already chanted the activation incantation, he still didn’t dare rashly use the Fate Siphon charm. He was afraid it would make things worse or that it would have the opposite effect.

Seconds passed as Klein felt the passage of time was especially slow. He felt as though an entire century had passed.

Finally, he heard Mr. Azik speak with a somewhat hoarse and uncertain tone:

“It’s you…”

Following that, an unperturbed voice that was clearly female sounded:

“You have three choices.

“First, continue proceeding forward to seek completeness. Allow Salinger to revive within your body;

“The second is to have me help you extract that half soul, allowing you to take it with you. You will think of a way to stitch it back together, but this will make you transform back to your original form. You will stop repeatedly dying and reviving, but it will not be the present you. Your past incarnations will truly recede into being dreams;

“Third, it’s to give up everything and directly leave. You will forever be stuck at your current level. You will have no way of advancing further. You will still die again and again, waking up with no memories, and repeatedly search for your past experiences.”

Klein was taken aback by what he heard. He never expected that there was another “person” in the depths of the mausoleum. Furthermore, she appeared to have absolute authority. She provided the former Death Consul, Azik Eggers, different choices that he could choose from.

This is that the “Artificial Death” that’s hiding deep in the black fog?

No, “He” originally didn’t seem to have any intelligence. It’s been so long, and it’s not like “He” has tried communicating…

Extract the half soul and think of a way to stitch it together… What does that mean? Azik’s soul was not whole to begin with?

Extract it from where? The lady speaking is actually able to do something Mr. Azik is incapable of?

Also, who is Salinger? Why would he be revived in Mr. Azik’s body? He, or “He” is Death that caused the Pale Disaster, Mr. Azik’s father or grandfather? “He” foresaw “His” death; hence, he left a seed in Mr. Azik’s body for “Him” to revive?

The first choice is definitely something to eliminate without any thought. The second and third choice each have their own problems. The former makes him not his current self. He will become an unfamiliar “him.” The latter is to suffer an undying curse for all eternity, never to receive salvation… If he’s confident with himself, truly treating all the past incarnations as an anchor, then the second choice can be considered. It allows for reconciliation and a compromise… But this involves the splitting of a half soul into half. It’s impossible to guess what developments will happen to the other half soul which didn’t experience those incarnations in the future. The anchor might not be able to resolve the problem…

Ideas flashed through Klein’s mind. He was puzzled, curious, stumped, and confused. He was so near, yet so far from a solution.

It was Azik’s life. It was a future he needed to face. No one else could make the decision for him.

And whatever Klein needed to say had been said. He stood there helpless and worried, waiting for Mr. Azik to speak again.

him without saying a word. The

lashed out its tail, wildly sweeping it around as it lunged its head downward and opened its gaping mouth, revealing dark red flesh

attempts failed to be effective. It

his right hand and rubbed his temples. Calmly, he said with a laugh, “Perhaps I’m accustomed to my

golden bird-shaped accessory tightly.

expression distorted once again as though

blood, and in every piece of flesh, there were

color, the same all the way from the brows, eyes, to the

extracted, Azik’s translucent soul began to disintegrate inch by

to spin and ache.

Spirit Body completely split into two. Half of it transformed into a golden stream that infused into the bird-shaped accessory, while the other half returned to his

eyes were extinguished as the white feathers and pitch-black scales on his body

as his forehead throbbed. Clearly, he was suffering a pain that stemmed from deep within his Soul

lady. He turned around and floated up

can open your eyes now,”

Realizing that there weren’t any signs of madness or loss

black fog was still emanating, completely blanketing everything


out to grip

tell you, you wouldn’t be able to hear it unless ‘She’

Klein subconsciously grabbed his two

around them saturated and clearly stacked upon one another. The two men and two marionettes quickly passed

order to recover. If you have any questions, you

are you alright?”

same time, he rebuked

be fine having lost

my death and arrange everything, severing ties with my original life. I’ll then forget everything and reawaken in search

past. If I were to forget once again, I should be able to recall a lot when I receive

and nodded indiscernibly as he

I’ll have dreams. In my dreams, I never left, accompanying her while taking in the sun while guiding that stubborn son of mine to use the broadsword. I’ll also make a swing for

Azik threw out the copper whistle and said with a gentle smile, “Remember to

I awaken, I will not

the ancient and intricate copper whistle,

this scene for a while, Klein suddenly let out a

Kolain City by land, one needed to follow the spiraling path that led upwards. After passing through the different streets, one would arrive at the peak of the city. Then, one had to descend the mountain

the Red Gloves team that Soest led was standing on a

her hand as she said, feeling somewhat puzzled, “Everything has been returned to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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