Backlund, East Borough, in a two-room apartment.

A few policemen in black-and-white checkered uniforms opened the door and entered. All of them reached out to cover their mouths.

There was a strong stench of blood inside!

“Officer, I’ve no idea what happened. Other tenants said that it seems like there’s plenty of blood here that they can even smell it from next door.” The landlord with a silk top hat looked around in fear, unwilling to stay in the room for another second.

A black-haired, blue-eyed police officer with an inspector epaulet waved his hand and said, “Wait by the door. We still have questions for you.”

As he spoke, he wore his white gloves and cast his gaze towards the wooden door of the bedroom.

However, he wasn’t in a rush to enter. He slowly surveyed the area and visually took in the surroundings-a pile of coal, a cupboard with cutlery and food, a small stove, a cleanly washed iron pot, a somewhat greasy table, two collapsed circular stools, two slanted chairs, a few glass bottles with unknown powders, and a stack of scattered tarot cards.

“A mysticism enthusiast with an ordinary financial situation?” The black-haired, blue-eyed inspector nodded gently as he made a judgment. Then, he signaled for a subordinate to open the bedroom door.

With a creak, a stronger smell of blood gushed out.

The constable who opened the door looked in and let out a short exclamation as he repeatedly retreated.

The inspector frowned. He pressed the retreating constable’s shoulders, circled around him, and approached the bedroom.

When he swept his gaze, his expression immediately changed.

In the bedroom, on a wooden bed, there was a man lying there. His hands were tied to the bedpost.

He was naked with deep and shallow marks on his body. His blood had long been drained, dyeing the bedsheet and blanket beside him dark red.

On a cursory glance, the deceased had apparently been bound by metal wire, cutting into his skin and flesh, right into his bones.

This scene still affected the policemen who had seen many murder scenes. Furthermore, it had a diabolical feeling like it was a ritual.

As the inspector was about to say something, two people rushed into the room. One of them attempted to take photos while the other bombarded him with questions.

“Another murder case?

there been many murder cases

you think


scene; otherwise, we will view you

escort the two reporters away. Tell

reporters were escorted out of the crime scene, the

going on the newspapers again. Damn


victim is suspected to have been abused before being killed…” Having had

hearing his daughter’s soft muttering, Earl Hall shook


too much attention to the matter. After a casual chat with her

by the door as a guard while Audrey locked the door.

dark red beam of light surge and

fog, coming inside the magnificent and

a small room to the side. The mottled

much better than the old confessional from before… However, this doesn’t match Mr. World’s character. Did something happen to his state of mind? In

with The World Gehrman Sparrow and concluded that he had fully recovered. To her surprise, she received a request

as she felt

had another person behind it. Her body

she adjusted her state of

that, Audrey’s spiritual intuition already knew the situation with his Body of Heart and Mind, or in common parlance, his emotions or

completely different from the last one… What happened this time?

was the most useful power of a

behind the wall scattered significantly. Gehrman Sparrow finally hoarsely

her original plan. She maintained her brisk tone and said, “I’m very curious about your recent

to think about anything else. Let’s have a

willing to share with

fell silent for a moment.

the side as she replied seriously, “To advance myself, to work hard to become a demigod so as to better protect

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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