Chapter 948 Meaning of Existence

From Audrey’s point of view, Mr. World’s current situation wasn’t him suffering from a mental illness, nor was it close to pushing him to the state of losing control. It was because his goal in life and the meaning to his existence had been destroyed. It left him with a psychological barrier that just needed some guidance. Once she helped him set up a short-term goal, allowing him to find meaning in life, the problem would slowly be resolved.

In the serene and silent darkness, Audrey heard Gehrman Sparrow answer in a deep voice across the wall, “No.”

As expected… Audrey wasn’t surprised as she asked, “Then did he search for his family’s last words? Did he search for their grave? Did he try to figure out the reason for the deep sleep?”

The Spirit Body behind the wall seemed to vanish for a few seconds as there wasn’t a single sound. After a moment, the hoarse voice continued:

“No, not yet.”

Not yet… That means that it’s a possibility in the future? Audrey felt relieved as she clearly felt that Gehrman Sparrow’s emotional state wasn’t as heavy and gloomy as before, without any interest in anything. He had a certain level of drive and a tiny sense of urgency. He was just still in a state of confusion.

Taking this opportunity, Audrey cast Placate again. The effects were much better than before. At the very least, she believed that Mr. World had used this impetus to escape from the abyss of gloominess and depression, returning to a normal person’s disheartened state.

Following that, Audrey didn’t press on regarding how he could find clues or investigate, because this could bring about some resistance. She nodded in the dark room in a natural manner and said, “Yes, there are many things to do, and many things that need amending! Perhaps you will have the chance of meeting someone from the same bloodline? Perhaps a family member of his hasn’t died from age, or had ended up living to this day due to some reason? The reason why there’s meaning to life is because of its infinite possibilities.

“In the process of searching, make sure to not miss out on your surroundings. Life isn’t just a one-way street. There are many branches and alleys. If only the former exists, how boring would it be. You should know how to approach it, to broaden your horizons, and to discover…”

Trying hard to recall all the suitable words she read in books, Audrey suddenly thought of something as her voice softened significantly.

“Also, don’t wear that thick mask.”

The thinner and transparent ones don’t matter because everyone wears a mask when interacting with others. No one likes to directly express one’s relatively private secrets to others. It’s both a way to protect oneself and also a way to respect others… When Mr. World has a certain number of friends, a new meaning in life will naturally be formed… Audrey added inwardly, but she ultimately didn’t say it out loud. She believed that it might even backfire.

Unsurprisingly, Gehrman Sparrow fell silent again, seemingly still in confusion.

seconds, a voice that wasn’t that

you for straightening me out, and

is all a result of the strength

Mr. World’s mental

heard Gehrman Sparrow say, “Let’s end it here for

a serious problem. I can do another

medicine to stabilize your mental state. Take it for seven consecutive days. The ingredients are 10 grams of chamomile powder, 5 grams of rosemary powder, 10 milliliters of lemon balm extract… During this period, don’t reduce your consumption of desserts, and try to

she propped herself against the wall with her hands and slowly stood

moment, Gehrman Sparrow’s voice passed through

“What’s the consultation fee?”

hand to the wall and turned her head in

Sequence 5 of the Spectator pathway. I might need

provides me

return from the Southern Continent to Backlund, remember to bring me some


people? On the other side of the wall, Klein had the inexplicable urge to lampoon. He then stood up while clinging to the wall and sent

vanished. He returned to the seat of honor at the long bronze table and sat at the seat

Cards of Blasphemy on the right. On the left, there was the Creeping Hunger, which Leonard Mitchell had sent back via Miss

coins again…” Klein retracted his gaze and raised his right hand

he had already communicated with Reinette Tinekerr before he made plans for the murder. She was in charge of chasing away all

than he imagined. With Ince Zangwill suffering from Deity’s Curse, and with King of Angels Adam having drained it, its first attempt was able to “attract” an unknown creature which could pass through Reinette Tinekerr’s seal.

other misfortunes, such as being thrown by the unknown creature to somewhere more dangerous

10,000 gold coins in debt again, Klein felt a headache, but his mental

seeing the cocoon above the gray cloud, and the door of light beyond the staircase of light, he had suffered a shock that was as though a river had broken through its banks. He felt that all his expectations had been shattered. His mature

desire to live and had sought out his private psychiatrist, Miss Justice Audrey,

turn his thoughts towards the cocoons. And from the scene

Sealed Artifact had used different means to grab a large group of people from Earth at the same moment in time. Here, there were people who used the luck enhancement ritual, others bought strange

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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