He moved at an adequate pace, doing so as though he had been repeating this entire process like a daily routine.

Locking the bathroom’s door, Klein took four steps counterclockwise and passed through the gray fog filled with ravings and roars, finally taking his seat on the high-back chair of The Fool.

And before this, he made his valet, Enuni, who was standing by the corridor, softly pray to Sea God Kalvetua.

Using the corresponding point of light, he beckoned for the Sea God Scepter and began expanding his vision. He then locked onto the carriage that was driving towards Macht’s residence—39 Boklund Street.

And this time, the person leaning against the glass window and leisurely taking in the scenery was no longer a gray rat but a young man wearing a silk top hat and black trench coat.

He had black hair and black eyes. His face was thin with a broad forehead. He wore a crystal monocle and had a faint smile on his lips. He was none other than the Blasphemer, the Angel of Time, son of the Creator—Amon!

Although Klein was already mentally prepared, his anxiety made his entire body feel chilly.

Amon had clearly appeared in “His” original form, but after stealing the rat demigod’s destiny, “He” appeared as a gray rat in everyone’s eyes without incurring any suspicion.

He and his brother, Angel of Imagination Adam, had certain powers which were similar. It left terror in the mind of others the more they thought about it, but it was intrinsically different!

If not for the gray fog and not for my deeper control of this place, I wouldn’t have discovered it either… Klein felt a mix of joy and alarm as he expanded his vision to seek out Amon’s avatars.

Compared to the grafting of destiny, the signs of Parasitizing was a lot clearer.

However, Klein didn’t notice anything this time.

Be it the other passengers in the carriage, the horses that towed the carriage, or the surrounding trees and air, there wasn’t any sign of Parasitizing!

This is different from what Leonard’s grandpa said… Shouldn’t the appearance of one Amon mean the accompaniment of many more Amons? “He” is clearly aware that “He” was discovered by a Bizarro Sorcerer of the Church of Evernight, and “He” suspects that Boklund Street is under surveillance. Therefore, “He” only sent a single avatar to investigate the situation? Klein frowned as he came up with theories. He was a little unsure of how to handle the current development.

Of course, he recalled Pallez Zoroast mentioning that as long as one avatar was resolved, “He” could eliminate all the Amons in Boklund Street. And now, there was only one Amon in Boklund Street, a perfect time to take action!

I’ll first hear what the expert’s opinion is… Klein immediately conjured The World Gehrman Sparrow’s figure at the other end of the long bronze table and made him reverently and piously pray.

“Honorable Mr. Fool, please inform Leonard Mitchell that Amon has appeared at 39 Boklund Street, but there’s only one…”

While Gehrman Sparrow made the prayer, Klein didn’t stop monitoring the carriage. He saw Hazel in a light-colored dress alight and enter her foyer.

Amon, who was wearing a monocle and black trench coat, walked behind her with complete composure. Despite not having any concealment, the servants didn’t notice him at all. It was as though there was only air or some inconspicuous creature behind Miss Hazel.

and jump in fright. Just as they were about to scream, they would forget what they were about to do after their mouths

passed through the foyer and walked up the stairs. Pinching the

out of “His” body as they crawled in every direction

Zoroast’s description of

gone mad. Everything that happened previously was only a test, and she had passed it with

of knowledge about the supernatural world. She learned the essence of the potions and grasped the acting method. She also gained the opportunity to advance

was currently a

when I can become a demigod and shake off my mortal coils… Hazel glanced at the hanging wall clock and rubbed her sunken tummy. She decided to get her mother to bring forward the high

a meal to bring her teacher back. She

sprawled on a leather cushion on the sofa. The

need any food?”

rat lowered its front paw and answered unhurriedly, “There’s no

Teacher.” Hazel turned around and walked forward, opening the door to her

looking at the balcony at the end

frowned and said, “Guard this

shot one

Yes, Miss.”

bedroom and head for the activity room on the second

received a pair of gem-embedded glasses with a gold chain hanging from it from her lady’s maid. It was more an accessory than

that you don’t like it?” Hazel asked


“I like it now.”

said that, she

to say

turned her head to find her father, Member of Parliament

that you’d be at the

his right hand and pinched the two sides of

of it as

had high tea together in

Ma’am Riana laughed at the same time as a faint smile appeared on

from Saint Hierland Square, threw

any “information,” he believed that the punishment operation had come to a perfect end, allowing him to look forward

Sanguine Viscount had many mystical items on him? Can you tell me what they are?”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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