Wearing a monocle, Amon, who wore the appearance of Enuni, didn’t seem like an infiltrator or assailant. Instead, “He” appeared like a visitor as “He” eagerly mentioned all the preparations “He” had done, as well as Arrodes’s origins.

“He” paused before “He” could finish “His” sentence. Dwayne Dantes opposite “Him” had turned into a dirty gray rat.

The rat raised its right claw, pressing at its eye.

At the same time, in the garden of 160 Boklund Street, with his thin and cut, black-haired, brown-eyed face, Gehrman Sparrow appeared in the middle of a bunch of roses.

Back when Amon was saying something highly enticing, “He” had secretly split off a Worm of Time in an attempt to invade Klein’s body in order to Parasitize him. However, Klein had been on high alert the entire time. He detected this attempt via the changes in his Spirit Body Threads, so he rapidly created a marionette at the critical moment and swapped locations!

Silently, Amon, who looked like a mixed-blood youth, appeared in front of Klein.

Behind “Him,” a twelve-ringed transparent worm fell from the third story and returned to “His” body.

And at that instant, the earthworms in the garden’s soil, the insects in the woods, the rats in the shadows all crawled out, either swarming towards Gehrman Sparrow and Amon or were fleeing from this region.

The main reason why Klein had patiently listened to Amon was to use that time to create marionettes!

To a Bizarro Sorcerer, they were only complete with their marionettes!

Amon still wasn’t in a rush to take action. “He” pinched the monocle embedded deep in “His” eye socket and looked around, saying with a smile, “Your actions often expose your problems. To a master of deceit, everything that you did was enough for me to detect your weakness.

“In such a tense and dangerous situation, you actually chose to convert rats, insects, birds, and earthworms into being your marionettes without considering your servants. What does this tell me? It says that you have outstanding moral standards. You still view yourself as human and are unwilling to harm them.

“Upon grasping this point, even if my avatar is inferior to you, it’s still easy to break you down. You wouldn’t even be capable of dying even if you wish for it.

“Ah, right. You can stop your attempts at secretly controlling my Spirit Body Threads. This is because you’re controlling the Spirit Body Threads I stole. They belong to your butler, your maid, and your coachman. If this continues, I’m afraid you will feel a deep sense of guilt.”

Even Spirit Body Threads can be stolen? No, it’s more like grafting… Klein’s expression froze slightly as he terminated his control of Amon’s Spirit Body Threads.

He had been patient, allowing Amon to drone on with his drivel, mainly doing so because he was secretly trying to turn Amon’s avatar into his marionette.

To a Bizarro Sorcerer, battles like this, where he stalled for time and exerted his influence in secret, should’ve been something he was best at and something he enjoyed the most. Unfortunately, he had encountered Blasphemer Amon, the current pinnacle existence of the Marauder pathway. Even if he was only facing an avatar, he could do nothing about “Him.”

Klein actually suspected that Amon’s words were a ruse, but he wasn’t able to see through it. He didn’t dare take the risk.

needed the help of a

to think of the means to Parasitize me, right? You should know that, before severely injuring me,

Amon immediately chortled.

“You’ve finally noticed it.”

swapped locations with a marionette once again, constantly making

keeping “His” hands in “His” pockets while leisurely saying with a smile, “If a magic mirror like Arrodes is willing to listen to your instructions and deliberately ingratiate itself towards you, it means that you aren’t as simple as I imagined. I’m not a Beyonder of the Tyrant

did you know Arrodes is ingratiating itself? Flora Jacob’s destiny shouldn’t have something like that.” Klein

marionettes continued changing their

the Church of Steam and had a chat with Arrodes. It wasn’t too frank, and it was willing to be tortured by me rather than reveal your true origins. Unfortunately, that was inside the Church of Steam; otherwise, I would’ve directly Parasitized it and learn of

has certain guesses… Klein’s eyes widened. Just as he was about to say

powers that I can use, such as tinkering with your destiny, making certain errors appear for a certain period of time. For instance, no one will notice it no matter how much

heh, that also means that, even if you were to trigger the Evernight Emblem in your hand, you will only be able to get the effects of Concealment, and you will not be able to transmit your intentions of seeking help, regardless of your prior agreements. Also, even if you were to shout for help or create an explosion, the pedestrians and servants in the room wouldn’t be able to hear a

so much. For an ordinary

turn to

his marionettes. However, Amon kept appearing

moment, he made one of his marionettes ask, “Since you’ve already completed the controlling of destiny, why aren’t you taking


this Gehrman Sparrow who was a thin “paper figurine” could finish his sentence, there was a strong

black silver-inlaid

Amon’s side, immediately

that, he triggered the Evernight Emblem that he


glance from across the street, was noticed by no one, be it the maids wiping the windows on

moment, Pallez Zoroast’s slightly-aged voice sounded in this Red

Head to Unit

it came to supernatural matters. He immediately swung the direction Word of the Sea pointed and

Amon raised “His” head as “He” pressed the crystal monocle on “His” right hand,

is also what I’ve been

grew obvious. He continued speaking in irresistible

“It’s ‘Him; Pallez!”


a strange gloom fell over the entire street. It was as though the entire place had been separated from reality, turning

the activity room of 39 Boklund Street, Hazel looked out the window and muttered in puzzlement, “Is it about to

and reached out her hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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