It was an ordinary paper crane, bursting into scarlet red flames just as it flew out, scattering ashes in the process.

Amon, who had been looking up into the sky, suddenly turned “His” head and looked at the paper crane who was a vessel of flames. “He” then raised His” palm again.

A cold glint had lit up in the eye beneath the monocle.

Suddenly, the flames on the paper crane’s surface vanished. Klein and his ability to swap locations with his marionette vanished. Likewise for Flame Controlling, Flaming Jump, and Air Cannon!

In that instant, he had six Beyonder powers stolen—four of which were rather important ones!

If Amon was able to make a few more thefts, then Klein might’ve even turned into an ordinary person.

This was “Theft” at the angel level!

Amidst the extinguishing flames, the paper crane slowly floated.

Backlund, Dr. Aaron’s house, in a black pram.

Wrapped in silver silk, Will Auceptin rubbed his mouth and eyes, grumbling, “Life is just so hard…”

Before “He” finished “His” sentence, “He” took out what looked like a cane from somewhere. It was embedded with clear gems.

Pure bright light lit up, illuminating the calendar in the room clearly.

Today was Tuesday[1].

160 Boklund Street, inside Dwayne Dantes’s garden.

The paper crane which was already charred and incomplete suddenly froze in midair. Complicated chrome-colored symbols appeared out of it, instantly taking on the form of a huge, illusory, scaleless snake.

The dense patterns and symbols on the surface of the gigantic silver snake formed a wheel that was connected to each other. Around each wheel were different symbols.

With a sweep of the cold, bright red eyes, this giant serpent soared into the sky and stayed above Boklund Street. It curled its body and bit its own tail.

Its shadow blanketed the entire street like a mysterious and ludicrous wheel.

Suddenly, Macht, Riana, and several servants in 39 Boklund Street’s activity room wiped the smiles from their faces. They raised their hands in unison, taking off the monocle on their faces, allowing the monocles to turn incorporeal in their hands before transforming into beams of light.

their eye sockets, either leisurely looking out the window or returning

feeling the world crumbling around her,

Enuni’s eyes vanished. The crystalline monocle was

seemed to be extracted as a clear, thick, but transparent

Time quickly transformed into a figure with black hair,

any of its effects. It was

Snake of Fate. Reboot!

in Fate, things had happened slightly later. However, “His” influence that descended from afar came in such a

flavors of ice-cream, but he had also agreed to further compensation. The outcome of their negotiation was that Klein had to think of the means to create at least

Amon suffered this unexpected blow, Klein didn’t hesitate and drew Death Knell. He cocked it, gently pushed


trigger, shooting

illusory Amon figure with the sharp bonnet and classic black robe—the Worm of Time. This

as Amon’s figure quivered in midair and froze

Leonard, who had already arrived overhead, followed Old Man’s instructions. Standing on Word of the Sea, he floated in midair,

green eyes immediately reflected a slightly gloomy, twelve-ringed transparent Worm of

Time had their heads and tails connected together, forming

slowly spun, they projected a huge ancient mottled illusion behind

the surface of a wall clock carved from stone. There were twelve segments, each segment was either grayish-white or bluish-black. They were clearly demarcated from each other, and the symbols were all different. With just one look, Klein had the feeling that life was speeding


time from ancient history resounded through the spacious secret

that Amon figure before hurling it

actually a Worm of Time—Amon’s avatar with a monocle—suddenly extended a hand, aiming it

on the back of his hand rapidly dry up as they

Finally, it contracted into the form of a ringed worm and was thrown


grayish-white and bluish-black

quickly rotated a few segments, speeding up the sound of

glimmers of light flew out, pulled and


connection between the avatars and “His” higher level to strengthen the law of Beyonder


from different spots in

calmed down, Klein’s current

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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