Chapter 1172 “Unperturbed“

Klein stared at the parchment in front of him for a long time without moving.

After a while, he gently tapped the edge of the long mottled table, causing all the items that he conjured to disappear.

He summoned his golden pocket watch and opened it to take a look. He sent a message to Little Sun, informing him to prepare to participate in the Tarot Gathering.

About a thousand heartbeats later, dark red beams of light rose from the two sides of the long bronze table, condensing into different figures on different high-back chairs.

Without any gaps in time, all the members of the Tarot Club looked at the figure sitting at the very end who was shrouded in gray fog.

Seeing that Mr. Fool wasn’t wearing a monocle, Leonard inwardly heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he turned around and looked at the bottom of the long, mottled table to confirm the situation of The World Klein Moretti.

Similar to him, Cattleya, Audrey, and Fors instinctively turned their attention to The World Gehrman Sparrow after seeing Mr. Fool.

One of them knew that The World was in a dangerous situation and could only seek Mr. Fool’s blessings. Another had failed to receive any feedback for two days, and she suspected that Gehrman Sparrow had really been embroiled in the matter regarding George III, with something definitely having happened during that time. The final one knew that George III’s matter was extremely risky, and was a little worried that Mr. World would suffer serious injuries.

Seeing that The World Gehrman Sparrow was perfectly fine without any abnormalities, Audrey retracted her gaze, curtsied, and bowed towards the end of the long bronze table.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~”

With the world situation becoming even more chaotic, she felt a little comforted by the fact that the Tarot Club could still maintain its original state. This significantly improved her mood.

After the Tarot Club members bowed under Miss Justice’s lead, The Fool Klein nodded slightly, indicating for everyone to sit down.

Then, he slowly surveyed the area and smiled.

“It seems all of you were very concerned whether today’s Tarot Gathering would proceed as usual.”

Upon hearing this, Alger’s heartbeat sped up as he heard thumping sounds.

he believed that Mr. Fool was referring to him, and was giving him

had given him

head and said with a trembling voice, “We weren’t pious enough and

ask Mr. Fool if the Tarot Gathering would proceed as scheduled, was stunned for a moment before she gave up on thinking. She then turned

Mr. Hanged Man claims to have overthought things because there was a possibility that the Tarot Gathering would be canceled, causing him to have some unnecessary

and looked around

concern is considered

He laughed and sighed.

with Amon in the

the truth, but what the others would decipher from this information was definitely far from the actual

the news of The World Gehrman Sparrow being equal to The Fool was released, the members of the Tarot Club would only sneer in their hearts that Amon was trying “His” deceitful tricks again.

From the looks of it, “He” had obtained a rather satisfactory outcome, allowing Amon to suffer a terrible

critical moment battling Amon? “He” has already recovered to such a state? Audrey was pleasantly surprised and shocked when she heard that. For some reason, she felt

step towards “His” recovery.

at himself for having doubts

predicted that there would be a conflict between “Him” and Amon? In fact, it’s even possible that “He” had taken

himself once again: I

provide any feedback because his body was being used by Mr. Fool to resist Amon… That King of Angels, Amon, is truly powerful. Mr. Fool actually needed to personally

understood the reason why The World had disappeared. She also guessed that the messenger who had the contractual ties with The World

the appearance of a King of Angels appearing on-stage in the present times. She felt that this was one of the signs of

look. For some baffling reason, he felt that he had been locked behind Chanis Gate for far more than a week or two. Perhaps it had been a month or two, to the point

has come to the Forsaken Land of the Gods… Did Mr. Fool use his body to engage in a battle with that

that the City of Silver’s next exploration would receive

long bronze table, and he blurted out, “Honorable Mr. Fool, the Chief wishes to receive

learned of this from his prayers, Klein nodded slightly

but smile. For

he lowered his head and said loudly, “My faith lies only with Mr.

turned to look at Ma’am Hermit.

in her letter… Cattleya was taken aback as she decided to first ask something she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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