Chapter 1173 Advice

Good question… The Fool Klein inwardly praised her, and he explained by using the Red Angel evil spirit’s explanation in his own words:

“The seven deities wish to have a Black Emperor, but ‘They’ are not unanimous in their candidate for the Black Emperor.

“When George III successfully obtained the ticket to becoming one through secret preparations, the seven deities had no choice but to accept it, regardless of whether they approved of ‘Him’ or not.”

So that’s the situation… Apart from The Moon Emlyn and The Sun Derrick, the other members of the Tarot Club were enlightened. They roughly understood why the Churches acted in a rather contradictory manner when faced with the tragedies of the Great Smog of Backlund, the deaths caused by the Feysacian air raid, and George III’s assassination.

Following that, they suddenly had a question:

Since George III had already made preparations and had reached the final step of carrying out the ritual while obtaining the tacit approval of the seven deities, why would “He” fail?

They immediately thought of an answer:

Because Mr. Fool didn’t agree to it.

Hmm… In the destruction of George III’s Black Emperor ritual, the Churches probably didn’t do anything to stop it. Perhaps, they even provided some help to Mr. Fool’s subordinates… Did the Church of the Lord of Storms make use of this chaos to secretly do something? No, they likely wouldn’t conceal it too much… Leonard recalled all the details he had previously discovered, and he was confident of his grasp over the overall situation.

The seven deities’ tacit approval… Mr. Fool vetoed it and sent The World and other Blessed to secretly destroy George III’s apotheosis ritual… But what has this got to do with the Queen? Why did she discover that Gehrman Sparrow has gone missing? Hmm, Black Emperor… The Queen might’ve participated in the operation led by Mr. Fool, and later, discovered that a participant had gone missing… Cattleya made a guess at the truth through her rich knowledge and insight.

And at this moment, Emlyn had just managed to make heads and tails of the discussions that had just been discussed, and he managed to understand the developments outside during his time in protective custody.

George III had secretly plotted to become a god and received the seven deities’ tacit approval. In the end, Mr. Fool’s Blessed destroyed “His” ritual, causing him to die on the spot!

Seeing that everyone was silent, The Fool Klein looked at The Hermit Cattleya and said, “Any other questions?”

“There’s nothing else this time.” Cattleya bowed her head even lower. She was more respectful than before towards the mighty figure at the end of the long bronze table.

Although she had long known that Mr. Fool had the Snake of Fate, Death Consul, and Ancient Bane under “Him,” and was in secret control of the Life School of Thought, she still never expected that the powers Mr. Fool could mobilize in the real world were able to destroy a king’s apotheosis ritual. Furthermore, “He” had foiled a plot of a King of Angels, the son of the Creator.

Mr. Fool’s hidden forces are more exaggerated than I imagined… What effect do the members of the Tarot Club exert on “Him”? A backing faction? Individual growth? Or is it just a backup plan? Cattleya instantly thought of many things and momentarily forgot that she was already a Sequence 4 demigod. No matter which organization she was in, she was considered a member of the upper echelons.

Just the feats displayed by Mr. Fool is enough to make a saint lack confidence… Justice Audrey only took a glance at Ma’am Hermit before she interpreted her mental state.

this moment, The Fool Klein

“You may begin.”

immediately turned to the other end of the long, mottled

also cast their

who was stuck between Mr. Fool and Angel of Time Amon as a combat tool, was probably in a

Klein controlled The World

bad, but not

to Mr. Fool’s grace that I finally obtained a secret from Amon, but I haven’t completely escaped from

for everyone to respond, he continued, “I’m currently

enter a certain concealed state and temporarily extricate myself from Amon’s grasp. However, if I were to dispel this state and return to the real world, I’ll only find myself back where my body is. And

an attempt at finding a solution. I wonder what

He wanted to rely on himself first, leaving Mr. Fool’s

was essentially the same: Find a way to bypass the restrictions first. And in the case that his solution didn’t really work,

because the suggestions they

were employed and were of use, then this would be a proud moment

was just about to speak in excitement when she retracted her words. This was because she knew that she couldn’t give random suggestions; otherwise, it could lead to Mr. World getting caught by

it seriously and realized that she couldn’t come up with any useful suggestions.

Do you have any blood or hair that

a moment and made The World


his original body, a single tube of blood was too

of this, Klein

as ingredients, combining them with other methods, using Alchemical Life to create a new

might not be considered my body. Secondly, I don’t know any demigods who can complete Alchemical Life. The only one barely related to them is Frank Lee… Will I end up becoming a mushroom man? Then, I’d be better off

her knowledge

do you ask?” The

a certain range. You can make use of that,” Cattleya

roughly understood what Ma’am Hermit was

“You’re talking about ‘descent?'”

to respond to it in your own concealed state.” Cattleya first glanced at The Sun

wanted The World to seek

already a Sequence 3 Beyonder,” Klein replied simply as he controlled The

members of the Tarot Club

knew very well that Mr. World must’ve advanced to Sequence 4 at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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