1180 Different Effects

In the Forsaken Land of the Gods, at night when the frequency of lightning had dropped to a very low frequency.

Two slices of white bread and a piece of barbecued meat is pretty good after all… The sweet and sour desserts from the Fog Sea are better than I had expected… After swallowing the last mouthful of food, Klein sighed in amazement from the bottom of his heart. He then threw the remaining packaging into the darkness—after all, there was no concept of environmental protection here, nor was there a rubbish bin.

Of course, he had removed his connection with those items ahead of time, just like how he would head over to Sefirah Castle to perform “sterilization” every time he abandoned a marionette. This was to prevent Amon’s avatars from locking onto him with them.

Hmm, lifeless objects won’t be transferred into a concealed state by the darkness here… Klein raised the lantern that Danitz had sacrificed, and he illuminated the abandoned items.

It was only after he filled his stomach that he was in the mood to try out the dangerous things he had previously divined.

Amidst the flickering dim yellow light, Klein reached his right hand out into the air and dragged out another projection of himself.

It was another version of him from the Historical Void, one who was also holding onto a lantern.

Klein entered the grayish-white fog one second later, allowing his projection’s consciousness to awaken.

The projection was surrounded by a group of monsters. Amidst the endless darkness, it opened its mouth, planning to recite the name, “Amanises.”


He didn’t manage to make a single sound, as though the words he wanted to say had been concealed.

“Indeed, it’s as I expected.” Wearing a silk half top hat and a black trench coat, Klein slowly took a deep breath.

Looking at the lantern that emitted faint yellow light, he suddenly chanted in Jotun, “Leodero!”

Before he could finish his sentence, more than a hundred lightning bolts warped as if they were responding to being summoned. They instantly blanketed the area.

There was no time for him to dodge. Even if he had switched places with a marionette, he would still be within the attack range.

Amidst the brightening of silvery-white light, he collapsed to the ground. His body was charred as he convulsed violently, as though he had become a gigantic piece of coal.

Then, his figure rapidly dissipated as the illusion vanished.

Wearing a real top hat, clothed in an Intis-styled windbreaker and carrying a simple lantern, Klein immediately “returned” to reality and continued proceeding forward as if nothing had happened.

After walking for a while, his figure suddenly turned blurry and clear.

Following that, Klein opened his mouth again and read out a name in Jotun:


burst out from his body, instantly reducing

figure appeared once again. He pressed his hat and




ordinary. There are no traces of the corresponding

Forsaken Land of the Gods… As a King of Angels with the Uniqueness, Red Angel is also considered half a true god. Yet, there aren’t any traces left of “Him.” How shameful for a person—no, shameful for a King of Angels! As Klein walked down the hill, he followed his spiritual intuition and

didn’t follow the

Backlund, late at night.

had digested the potion a little more, Audrey very eagerly used Dream Traversal to leave her mansion and to enter the various dreams of the

situation was like, she had a strong desire to become a

like that, she suddenly saw someone

a good relationship with her. She was 29 years old and had married a viscount two years

was filled with rose petals. The bed was white, and there was a heart-shaped ring placed on

cheeks, the lady quickly walked

in. He hugged the lady and whispered, “I’ll take you away from your

their bodies around one another as they rolled into

everyone’s dreams were full of imagination. At that moment, she didn’t lose her composure at all. She maintained the etiquette of a Spectator, as though she

brief examination,

man wearing the black iron mask wasn’t the wife’s spouse, but more like a

her heart? Audrey muttered to herself in an academic manner while

that, she “traversed” into the dream beside her out

the noble wife’s husband,

at the House of Lords. Later, he was chased by an earl with a revolver. The latter claimed that

a safe zone, the viscount

to see the state the viscount and his

crimson moonlight, the viscount was hugging his wife on

carried out, then everyone would descend into hell, and no one will be spared, including myself… I can control my dark side, preventing it from ever being realized in the real world.

again and “traversed”

long after, she arrived at a

placed over a thick carpet. At the seat of honor was a white-haired old

her sides were a middle-aged couple and three children who were not of age. They were all enjoying the delicious food,

outside the room. The strong winds made the glass groan and thump as they seemed to brew a horrifying sensation before the

about? Audrey retreated from the dream and tried to find an answer from the real world to verify her

small bed and

were either wrapped in black cloth or white flowers—consisting of a middle-aged couple

window, only to see that there were ruins nearby,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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