Chapter 1181 Nois Ancient City

Upon hearing the bishop’s instructions, Leonard was first taken aback before he inwardly sighed.

Mr. Fool’s prophecy was really accurate…

No, it’s not a prophecy. “He” was already aware of everything.

Leonard quickly reined in his thoughts and followed the procedures to get Bishop Saint Anthony to give him an official document. Then, he returned underground and brought two members into Chanis Gate.

After waiting for the Keepers to check the documents, he came to Emlyn White’s room which was illuminated with shining silver candles that were covered with engraved patterns. He opened the heavy stone door with a brass key.

Ghostly blue light entered the cell, “stabbing” Emlyn White’s eyes to the point of him instinctively closing his eyes.

His face was much paler than before, and his body was much thinner. He exuded a feeling that a gust of wind would lift him up at any moment.

Thinking of Mr. Fool’s answer, Emlyn suddenly felt confident in his current situation. Without opening his eyes, he slowly stood up and chuckled.

“I knew you would take the initiative to send me out.”

Would you be disappointed if I said that it was just a routine investigation? Leonard lampooned inwardly and replied without any expression, “I’ll give you thirty seconds. If you don’t leave Chanis Gate within this period, I’ll take it as you voluntarily choosing to stay behind.”

As a slightly more senior Nighthawk and a captain of a Red Gloves team for several months, Leonard had rich experience in dealing with prisoners.

Emlyn’s expression froze. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he ultimately maintained his silence. He walked past Leonard and his two teammates and walked out of Chanis Gate.

Outside, he suddenly shuddered, as if he wanted to purge the chill in his body.

“Once you return, getting some sunlight would fix you up. Oh, the sun is a rare commodity in Backlund’s winter, and you vampires don’t enjoy sunbathing… Aren’t you an Apothecary? You can concoct some medicine from the Sun domain yourself.” Seeing this, Leonard casually reminded him.

he had stayed behind Chanis Gate for too long. The power of Evernight that supported the seal had eaten into him a little, making him require the

condition. He didn’t retort or nod. He

while longer. I hope this bloody war will end soon. Don’t worry, we’ll let him come out twice a week to get some sunlight. As for which days they’ll be, it’ll depend on the weather in Backlund.” Leonard gave a simple

hesitated for a moment before asking again, “Where’s

to do?” Leonard asked in a professional

chin slightly, trying his best not to change

drinking blood… Leonard didn’t call him out. He pointed in one direction and gave him the

underground and began to discuss a recent case with

arrived near

The dried riverbed

hurry to get close. Instead, he found a hidden spot and muttered the honorific

steps counterclockwise and recited the incantation before entering the world above the gray fog. To return to Sefirah Castle with just a thought, he needed the prayers

help of the prayer light, Klein used his “true vision” to check the situation of the Nois ruins from afar. He discovered that the thin fog was slowly dissipating, but it couldn’t completely dissipate. On the surface of the city, there wasn’t a single

that occupied this city discovered that “Their” whereabouts were exposed, they chose to migrate? As Klein made a guess based on the situation in front of him, he retracted his gaze and looked at the grayish-white fog that held up

He didn’t wish to directly encounter a cluster of translucent maggots that twisted into a huge

had laid for him still left Klein feeling a lingering sense of fear. From time to time, he would

than seeing his marionette, Enuni, wear a monocle in front of him while his body remained completely immobile. This was because he had implicated

real world. He stretched out his hand, grabbed, and pulled out his former self. This former self

next second, he “jumped” into the grayish-white fog and followed the illuminated spots in the Historical Void, running all the way to a period before the

this was a very ingenious “safe house.” This was because, aside from him, no Scholar of Yore could trace back to this lost

to him, coming all the way here had required him to expend a lot of his spirituality. He could only stay there for another fifteen minutes

body, Klein’s projection in the real

mound opposite the dried riverbed, he raised his right hand and summoned his

squirmed and instantly transformed into Gehrman Sparrow. Then, he reached

a historical projection had “Disordered” the distance under the dim yellow light of the lantern. In a few steps, he arrived outside Nois

in hand, he passed through the rotting buildings and passed through the thin fog

gray fog, actual contact made him discover more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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