Midseashire, Limon City.

Jasmine wrapped a scarf around her face and exited the apartment.

She had heard that the annual Limon Carnival had begun, so she wanted to visit it at the municipal square.

Because of the war last year, the carnival hadn’t been held. This had greatly disappointed Jasmine. After that, she suffered the greatest trauma in her life. From then on, she hid at home and didn’t dare to go out.

Perhaps it was because she had been confined at home for too long—one that was very cramped—Jasmine had been eager to go on the streets recently. She wanted to walk around just like she did in the past.

As she turned her gaze, she saw her reflection in the large glass window by the side of the street.

Her figure was pitch-black without any other color. Her long dress reached her ankles, and the veil of her hat covered half of her face. From the bottom of her eyes to her neck, there was a scarf wrapped several times around her neck. Both of her hands were wearing a pair of knitted gloves.

This was completely different from the cheerful and lively Jasmine in her memories.

In the previous war, a cannonball had destroyed her original home and resulted in a fire. She suffered burns to the face, causing her body to be covered in wounds.

If not for the fact that she was lucky enough, Jasmine would’ve died from the serious injuries. But even so, she felt like her life had ended from that very moment.

Her nose had been burnt away, leaving only two black holes. There were many traces left behind by the fire on her face, neck, and hands. If she were to walk in the dark, she would pass off for a devil perfectly.

Jasmine clearly remembered one thing: on the first night of moving to this apartment, she had washed up in the public bathroom before sleeping. Just as she walked out of the door, she saw a youth walk over. The youth had also seen her.

Under the crimson moonlight, the youth revealed an expression of extreme horror, as if he would jump up at any moment. He turned around and ran away.

Finally, he controlled himself and took a few steps to the side, not daring to look at Jasmine’s face again.

This pierced through Jasmine’s fragile heart. From that day onwards, she never left the house again. Even if she had to wash up, she would wait until it was late at night.

In this aspect, she was very grateful to her parents because they didn’t say a word. They did their best to maintain their lives, relying on their original savings and the work they later found to barely support the family. They didn’t need Jasmine to work outside for a salary.

After walking a distance, Jasmine saw the main venue of the carnival—Lemon City Municipal Square.

There was a sea of heads and all kinds of reveling emotions. The enthusiastic atmosphere made Jasmine subconsciously stop in her tracks.

She didn’t dare approach, afraid that someone would notice that she was dressed strangely, afraid that she might accidentally drop her scarf.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally stopped. She found a clean spot by the street and sat down. She stared intently at the municipal square.

After an unknown period of time, Jasmine sensed someone beside her.

It was a young man in a long black robe and a tall hat. He was like a magician from a circus.

The municipal square is over there… Jasmine wanted to remind him, but after she quivered her lips a few times, she didn’t part them.

didn’t dare to speak to

young man took the initiative to walk over. He took

do you know what

looked up and dazedly

was sitting there at some point

glass, gears, and

shook her head, indicating that she didn’t know what the machine

this also expressed her intention to

can automatically fulfill the wish of someone who operates it. By the way, I

Jasmine realized that she could understand every single word but

it’s free,” Klein, who had taken on the identity of Merlin


at her and said, “For example, you can make a wish to be restored with your original

sharp arrow that shot into Jasmine’s heart. She stood up

suspected that he had already

won’t come true? It’s free,” Klein said

slowed down and

even if she had to pay a huge sum of

she knew that the wish in

comes true… Jasmine’s thoughts were in an upheaval, and she slowly turned around as if she was being enticed by


pointed at

you need to do is to turn the wrench on the

to remove your hat and

moved Jasmine into action as

long after Merlin retreated a certain distance, Jasmine moved closer to the machine, gingerly grasping the

year during the carnival. She and her friends had often played such pranks on others, but compared to a wish that

having her wish granted was impossible, it could still be

make your wish before you turn it,” Klein reminded her from not too

collected her thoughts and silently voiced her

my former

that, she turned the wrench nervously

the Fully Automatic Wishing Machine

a golden ring embedded with rubies

retracted back into the Fully Automatic Wishing Machine, the golden ring

saw the machine’s “door” slowly

it? she thought

experience the feeling of having her wish fulfilled, nor was she being

has been granted.” Klein walked back and clapped gently like a witness to a magical

been granted… How is this possible… Just as this thought flashed through her mind, she

there were only two black holes left

her face,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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