Chapter 1313 The Third Wish

Jasmine was excited, but she was still worried.

“What kind of price has to be paid?”

From her point of view, a prior free attempt didn’t mean that the subsequent wishes were without a price.

Klein adjusted his tall hat and smiled.

“The penny you paid is the price. The corresponding change that you have to bear after achieving your wish is also the price.”

Jasmine nodded without completely understanding him. Without any hesitation, she reached into her pocket and attempted to take out a few copper pennies for her wish.

However, her pocket was empty except for a handkerchief.

Having stayed home all this while, she hadn’t had any contact with money.

She had relied on walking to go from home to the municipal square instead of taking a trackless public carriage.

“I-I… Can I go home first?” Jasmine asked, both vexed and embarrassed.

“Of course, this is your freedom, but I can’t guarantee that the Fully Automatic Wishing Machine will always be waiting for you here,” Klein said with the tone of a magician. “Sometimes, it’s very willful.”

Jasmine tersely answered, thanked him, and turned around, jogging in the opposite direction of the municipal square.

The more she ran, the more relaxed her body became. She found herself in her formerly healthy state before she was burnt, transforming back into a teenage girl in her prime.

To her, this was a scene that would only appear in a dream.

Of course, as an ordinary person, she gradually felt exhausted after running for a while. She had no choice but to slow down and begin walking slowly.

The cool night breeze blew, revealing resplendent stars peeking through the clouds high up in the sky. The trees by the side of the street swayed gently and scattered the swaying shadows on the ground. All of this was so quiet and beautiful. Jasmine only felt her body and mind relax, and all her worries disappeared.

This was the first time she was in such a good mood ever since she was injured. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on her face.

After walking for about five minutes, she suddenly heard someone shout her name.

“Eh, Jasmine?”

Jasmine turned her head and saw a familiar face. It was her former neighbor, Mrs. Hamil.

“Good evening, Mrs. Hamil, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Are you going to the carnival?” Jasmine, who wasn’t wearing a scarf, said with a heartfelt smile.

Mrs. Hamil was a woman with a head of white hair. She carefully sized up Jasmine and said, “I haven’t seen you since you moved away. I heard that you were injured in the previous blast?”

I’ve recovered.”

then asked, “How

daughter, and

instantly wore a

unspeakable things to her,

back to her experience while feeling

soldier had rushed into her house in an attempt to do unspeakable things to her, but he only gave her a

four times in a clockwise fashion, outlining the

her friend that she realized that she

bidding farewell to Mrs. Hamil, Jasmine walked

normal. She started to look forward to the expression her parents

in their hearts and pretend that nothing has happened. They would definitely cry with joy and hug me… Jasmine took the key that was hanging around her neck like a necklace, and as she thought about it,

room was dark. None of the candles or the gas wall lamps

the bed outside, light and heavy snoring could be heard from her parents, forming a contrast with the

door and walked to her parents’ bed. With the crimson moonlight

have deepened… Mommy keeps frowning when she sleeps. Her face is flaking; it’s dry, and coarse… Only then did Jasmine realize that she hadn’t seriously

on taking care of the family. But now, he could only work at textile factories and do all kinds of

He’s always coughing, but he has passed the recent Civil Servant Unified Examination. When the interview results are announced, he will have a decent job… Mommy keeps complaining

had already thought

her footsteps, Jasmine entered the room inside and poured out the last few pennies from her

apartment and boarded

was afraid that the Fully Automatic Wishing Machine would be gone if

moment, there were a lot of passengers on the public carriage. Most of them were heading to participate in the carnival. Jasmine looked around and saw that there were no seats, so she had

later, she reached her stop and turned into that

of glass appeared before her eyes, Jasmine silently heaved

surroundings and didn’t find the magician by the name of

automatic. There’s no need for him to be by my side?” Jasmine muttered

didn’t waste any time. She took out a penny and placed it inside the Fully

become rich.” Jasmine softly voiced her wish. She closed her eyes and waited for the

sound as though a coin had rolled

and looked ahead, only to see that the penny she had just put into the machine had landed on a small tray around

the experience of being cured of her burns, Jasmine didn’t suspect that there was something wrong with

seriously and stuffed the penny into the coin slot.

my parents are

sound out from the Fully Automatic Wishing


remained inside the machine, Jasmine knew that her wish had been fulfilled. She couldn’t wait

she inserted

making her family wealthy, but remembering that her father was basically going to become a civil

that she wasn’t good-looking. It wasn’t that people around her would despise her and say that she wasn’t good-looking,

inevitably dream of becoming prettier as she grew

reality, because she had a miraculous Fully Automatic Wishing Machine in front of

myself beautiful, I can find a good husband, and I can improve my family situation… Jasmine seemed to have heard the devil whispering in her ear.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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