Chapter 22

it was m

child. He must have searched the heavens far and wide before choosing me to be his mom. And here I was, wrestling with the decision to keep him.

Christine gently cleaned my tears, embracing me with a warmth she seldom showed in public. “Why the tears? Your baby’s doing just fine, very well-behaved and tough.”

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

“Of course, it’s true. Don’t you believe me? Ask the nurse,” Christine said.

The nurse, who had come in with her, chuckled helplessly. “Don’t just worry about the baby. You hit your head, and though we’ve bandaged the cut on your forehead, we haven’t done a CT scan because of the pregnancy. How do you feel now? Any severe dizziness?”

“I’m okay.” I nodded, feeling only slightly woozy

“That’s good. Once you finish with the IV, you can go home to rest. Just come back to the hospital if you feel unwell.” While patting my shoulder reassuringly, the nurse added, “Just take care of yourself. That’s the best way to look after your baby.”

that, she

hugged Christine,

as my emotions steadied, Christine let go of me, pulled a chair,

scared the hell out of me, you know? Weren’t you supposed to take Bryant to the cemetery

your emergency contact while I was on the phone with you. you’d be here all alone, and nobody would

avoided that car with your reflexes,

reddening, turning away to

wanted to calm her down, to assure her I was okay But all I could muster was

me, puzzled

exhaled deeply, feeling a sense of relief I hadn’t felt in weeks, “It’s over between

Chapter 22


me in disbelief before finally speaking, you sure


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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