Chapter 39

Mark seemed oblivious to any undercurrent in the conversation or perhaps chose not to delve deeper. With a gentle smile, he said, “No worries. Why don’t you all wash up?

Dinner’s almost ready.”

Mark was quite the chef. The table was laden with dishes that were a feast for the senses, making everyone’s mouth water.

Steven and Christine couldn’t stop singing his praises.

I couldn’t help but join in, “Mark, your cooking skills are totally amazing!”

“Give it a try, see if you like it,” Mark encouraged as he brought out the last two dishes, placing a plate of spicy shrimp in front of me with a warm smile. “You should like this


I was


Aside from Christine, everyone assumed my taste was similar to Bryant’s-very mild. But before I could speak up, Bryant’s cool voice interjected, “She can’t handle spicy food. You might have been close in college, but you clearly don’t know her taste…”

correct him, her tone playful despite the seriousness of her words, “after all this time together, where has your attention been? Jane’s favorite is spicy food, the hotter the

was a sobering reminder.

his attention been?

preferences, yet he never took the

a trace of confusion in his

shrimp and ate it deliberately, maintaining eye contact with his beautiful, deep-set eyes as I earnestly replied, “Bryant,

atmosphere turned even more awkward.

the right moment for such a conversation.

known for his patience, and this only served to spoil what was otherwise

had held my tongue for three years. Was there ever going to be a “right” time? Could i never


Chapter 39

lowered his proud head in front of

on, we’ll make meals

swelling with a

seemed he was willing to change, but it wasn’t enough to set

the contrary, this made it all

changed, that he remained indifferent to my feelings.. That way, I could leave without any regrets.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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