Chapter 40

Then the

both gave me their gifts.

Mark handed me a beautifully wrapped gift box with a warm smile, saying, “Hope you like it.”

“Thanks, Mark,” I responded with a grin, genuinely touched by the gesture.

My surprise was evident when I discovered a dress of such unique design inside. “Did you design this yourself?”

“Yeah, it’s one of a kind,” he replied with a proud chuckle.

“Mark, you’re so thoughtful!” Christine complimented, before playfully challenging Bryant, “Mr. Ferguson, since you’re here for the housewarming party, I assume you’ve brought a gift as well?”

I wanted to intervene, knowing that Christine had caught Bryant off guard, but she silenced me with a glance.

gaze intense, before he reached into his suit jacket and presented me with a small velvet box. “I hadn’t found the right moment to give this to you- until now,” he said, his voice barely concealing the emotion beneath.

it?” Christine leaned over,

I was stunned to find a pair of ruby earrings. “You

unpar color and clarity, had fetched a staggering price, bought by

you like them?” Bryant

beyond my wildest expectations. The thought of accepting such a lavish gift from Bryant, especially when we were on the verge of divorcing, made

offering Bryant a sincere smile. “Mr.

choked on my drink, coughing as Christine’s words took me

her glass, she toasted Bryant and then proceeded to down

point. “You were being silly not accepting it.


Chapter 40

whatever you can get.”

worth a fortune,” I laughed off her concern.

as both a statement piece and a rainy day fund,” she advised, reminding me that to someone like Bryant, the cost was trivial. “Besides, if you don’t take it, who knows who will?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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