Chapter 57

“It’s exactly as you see,” he said, his voice tinged with a blend of sorrow and weariness. “We, the Ferguson family, failed Alice. It was my failure to discipline my own son!”

Yeah, Alice was my late mother-in-law. Hearing this, I was plunged into deep shock.

I had always thought she died from complications during childbirth.

But she didn’t. She was pushed down the stairs when she was nine months pregnant.

And the person who did it? It was Teresa, the very woman who had been like a second. mother to Bryant, making herself a martyr to save him, only to end up in a vegetative State

My mind was a mess.

How could she show such kindness to Bryant, yet be the one who killed his birth mother? It defied all human logic…

Before I could sort through my thoughts, Timothy continued, “Can’t figure out why she could be so kind to Bryant, huh?”


He scoffed, “Nothing but self-interest and calculation.”

“After the death of Bryant’s mother, my bewildered son insisted on marrying Teresa into the family. Teresa had tampered with the surveillance before acting, thinking she had covered her tracks. She played all her cards -crying, making scenes, even threatening to hang herself-pressuring me to give in.”

At this point, it dawned on me. “You managed to restore the surveillance footage?” I asked.


as he spoke through clenched teeth, “But my son was so bewitched, even with the evidence right before his eyes,

a fit of rage, Timothy hurled his teacup across the room!

how angry he still could get made me realize just

he might get too worked up, Gary quickly patted his back

Ferguson was really cornered, that’s why he finally agreed to let Teresa into the family. But there were conditions.


Chapter 57

had nothing to do with her.”

was ensuring Bryant’s safety and wellbeing. Otherwise, all the evidence would be

Premeditated murder.

would be enough to put Teresa away for good.

a chill listening to

depth of animosity and rejection

remembered was merely a façade

“Does Bryant know about any

Ferguson couldn’t bear to tell him.”

seemed to hold back, offering only this explanation.

there was more to it but didn’t press

a pang of pity for Bryant.

and to realize the stepmother he was so grateful to might have never truly cared for him…

what about

she know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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