Chapter 58

Now, with him making this simple request, I had no reason to refuse.

Bryant and I were already living separately anyway. A divorce paper was just a formality to make the separation clearer, nothing urgent.

Besides, Timothy’s eightieth birthday was just a month away. It would be here before we

knew it.

Gary walked me out of the study.

“Mr. Ferguson is just looking out for you and the young master, hoping you’d take some more time to think things over,” he said gently.

I was about to respond when my phone buzzed with a call.

An unknown landline number.

“Hello, is this a family member of Christine Jackson?”

“Yes, speaking.”

“We’re calling from the RiverCity Police Department. Could you come down here as soon as possible?”

Panic set in before I could even ask for details, and the line went dead.

I rushed downstairs, only to be confronted by an irate Margaret the moment I stepped out

of the elevator.

the line!”

attempted to slap me, I caught her wrist in time.

was preoccupied with Christine’s situation, Margaret’s drama was the least of my worries. “Get

away, my heart in turmoil over what could have happened

it was, that familiar black Maybach trailing my car, adding to


let Margaret slap me without consequence, and now he was coming to her defense?

I dialed his number, asking, “Why are you

scoff came through

you flatter yourself.”


Chapter 58

sugary sweet. “Bry is just worried about me. He wanted to accompany me to the police

she’d slapped me hard across the

She was correct.

I had been deluding myself for

at the police station, I didn’t even need to enter to know what Christine


the police station in the

license plate, was

a cop led me to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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