Chapter 59

In public, Bryant always carried an air of aloofness.

His black trench coat only added to his aura of unapproachability.

As he moved closer, a knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach.

This could either go down easy or get real messy.

The least of it could mean coughing up some cash, but at its worst…

Given Bryant’s clout in RiverCity, getting Christine thrown behind bars would be a piece of cake for him.

And it was a no-brainer that he’d stand up for Margaret.

Sure enough, he took his place by Margaret’s side, gaze lowered, lips parting slightly to ask, “How do you want to handle this?”

My palms clenched at my sides. Before I could say anything, Christine pulled me behind her.

“I’ll take the fall alone. This has nothing to do with Jane.”


Panic surged through me, but Christine turned to me, her tone mocking, “And what are you going to do? Beg your ex in front of everyone, or plead with the other woman who tried to muscle in on your marriage?”

Before her words could fully sink in, the tension escalated.

Margaret scoffed, “Who are you calling the other woman? Bryant and I have known each other since we were kids, so it’s definitely not me. And I’m definitely not the unloved one


cut deep.

marriage I thought was happy for three years was built

cold, deep eyes. “Is

devotedly for seven years, to be labeled the “other

didn’t matter to me;

tilting her


slightly as he smoothly withdrew his arm, “It’s



Chapter 59

up another one

taken aback. Was he not going to stand

waters, “Is it that simple? They didn’t just smash a car, they were slapping me in the

at her, his voice cool, “Didn’t you slap Jane last night?”

surprised not just me, but

looks, both finding confusion in the other’s

Bryant… taking my side?

guilt, she wasn’t ready to let go, her eyes teary as she insisted, “That’s not the same. You’re clearly on her

for me to be on her side,” Bryant stated

stunned, feeling a flicker of hope reignite somewhere deep

yourself together,”

soured for a moment before she regained her composure, “But

expression darkened, “Margaret, who told you I’m…”


couldn’t stand to hear their bickering anymore. My gaze fixed on Bryant, “You’re not going

you should be asking me,” Margaret interjected

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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