Chapter 62

“No, not at all.”

1 scrambled for an excuse, “I was just grabbing something.”

“That something?”

He gestured towards a delivery bag sitting on the dining table.

Feeling the awkwardness of being caught in a lie, I touched my nose, “Didn’t I tell the delivery guy not to ring the bell?”

“He didn’t ring the bell.”

“Then how did you know?”

“He knocked.”

I was speechless, internally cursing the delivery guy’s cleverness.

Walking over, I started to unpack the bag, ready to dig in, when Bryant placed a steaming bowl of seafood chowder in front of me..

“Grandpa said you didn’t eat much tonight, had the leftover seafood sent over.”

“And the chowder…?”

“I made it.”

was serious, his voice calm and cool, “I took a shower before I cooked. You’ve been feeling under the weather, try

in my tracks,

he’d cleaned up, wasn’t “dirty” anymore before he made the chowder, so I wouldn’t find it disgusting.

my head, the steam from the chowder blurring my vision, and took several



most, don’t want to become

hand reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, his cool fingertips. grazing my

each other?” After saying that, he urged,

a moment, it felt as if we had returned to


Chapter 62

gentle and considerate

“But, I only agreed to a

care of me, taking care of Grandpa. This month, let me take good care

heart stirred, but I remained silent.

could I bear to refuse. Logic didn’t allow it, yet my emotions desperately clung to this

seemed to carefully choose his words, his voice hoarse, as if sandpapered.

we reached a point where divorce was the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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