Chapter 63

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, my sleep had never been worse.

I kept telling myself he was just my ex-husband, but feelings, as it turned out, aren’t something

can control.

The next morning, with dark circles under my eyes, I was about to leave for work when Bryant stopped me in the foyer.

He was decked out in a fitted iron-grey suit that added to his unapproachable vibe but also made him more eye-catching because of his good looks and build.

He handed me a thermal bag without waiting for my response, his voice cool, “Take breakfast with you.”


I didn’t refuse and took it gracefully. It saved me the trouble of buying breakfast, and considering he’s the father of the child I’m carrying, eating a breakfast he provided didn’t seem too much.

Seeing my reaction, a barely noticeable smile touched the corners of his mouth. “I’m heading to the office too. Let’s go together.”

“Maybe not. It’s better to avoid any awkwardness, in case your darling decides to confront


“She won’t.”

sarcastic. After

the underground parking lot, the familiar black Maybach was


to ignore it, got into my own car, and was about to

it wasn’t fair to take out my frustration with


rolled down the


embarrassed but polite smile. “Uh, I think I ran over a nail earlier, and my tire’s flat. Could I possibly catch a ride with



Chapter 63

your foot the other night? You should

“Alright then.”

and let him take the driver’s seat, settling myself

up, it struck me. “How did you know I hurt


out of the building, nearly choking on

he turned to me with pitiful eyes, “I forgot to mention, Mr.

a moment before agreeing.

to Bryant, the latter had already smoothly opened the back door of the car and got in.

back at the house


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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