Chapter 70


s drilled into mine, a deep concern veiling them, “Can’t it be for any other reason?”

“Like what?” I couldn’t deny I was fishing for something more.

His lips barely moved as he spoke, “I just want you to be well.”

“…Sounds like something you’d say at a family Thanksgiving dinner.”

A thought flickered through my mind, and before I knew it, a smile crept up, “Save it for Timothy’s birthday bash next month.”

Wishing me health. Wishing himself a lifetime of happiness with Margaret?

When the nurse came to draw my blood, I instinctively pulled back as she disinfected my arm, my body tensing up.

I was scared. I’d always been scared.

As a kid, it was always Dad who held me, with Mom gripping my other hand, coaxing me through every needle and every blood draw.

And there were always rewards.

But over these past years, my health had been decent. A common cold here, some over-the-counter meds there – hardly ever needing blood drawn.

fear or not, was grown up

“Don’t be afraid.”

warm hand enveloped mine his thumb gently caressing the back of my hand as he soothingly whispering, “I’m here with

“You being

make it hurt any

it hurts. I’ll bear the pain with you.” His voice was

seemed to tower over me, now half-kneeling by my side, filling my heart and yet, stirring a pang of sadness. I murmured, “But you can’t

was too low, he didn’t catch it.


kept inside

the ultrasound room


Chapter 70

Bryant waited outside.

applied the gel, then handed me tissue to wipe it off after he was done,

find out about the pregnancy sooner or


examining doctor smiled at me, “Mrs. Ferguson, you’re pregnant, aren’t you aware?”

“I… know.”

pressed my lips together, “How’s the baby developing?”

great, nine weeks now. Look, you can already see


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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