Chapter 71

In a daze, my mind wandered back to the past.

Back then, Bryant and I had just tied the knot six months earlier. My period was over ten days late. Despite him always being careful, a part of me couldn’t help but wonder if I was pregnant.

Buying the pregnancy test, I was already bursting with thoughts on how to break the news to him.

Now, facing the reality of being pregnant, the thought of Bryant just beyond the door didn’t bring any joy or excitement.

All I felt was fear, nervousness, and the unsettling feeling of uncertainty.

The worst-case scenario played in my mind: losing the baby. Just thinking about it sent a cold shiver down my spine.

In just two and a half years, everything had changed dramatically, as if worlds apart.

Feeling heavy as lead, I made my way to the door, only to find Bryant’s figure nowhere in sight.

Where was he? Only my purse remained, left alone on the metallic bench by the door..

He… left?

phone from the purse,

Kevin will drop off the medical report at home. later. I’ll

out of the medical center, my mind suddenly

report was already in my hands. This might be an opportunity to tweak a

dialed Christine’s number, and she picked up almost instantly, “I

you. Where are you? Why aren’t you

out like a


at the BlessedCare Medical Facility.” “Going for a



Chapter 71

got straight to the point, “Wait, isn’t that part of the Ferguson Group’s network? Why’d

rundown of the situation, “By the time I




it’s all

in the seat once inside, “Chris, I’m feeling lost.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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