Chapter 216

Teresa found herself suddenly tumbling to the floor, landing in an ungraceful heap, pain flashing across her face. Disbelief clouded her gaze as she looked up at Margaret. “Margaret, did you just push me? After all these years, providing you with the best of everything. clothes, gadgets, you name it, and this is how you repay me?”

“We wouldn’t be in this mess now if you truly cared!” Margaret glared down at Teresa with fury etched on her face. She grabbed Teresa’s hair, and her voice sounded icy with resentment. “You always said, ‘If you want something, go get it yourself. No one’s going to hand it to you! Didn’t you? So, why the hell are you blaming me for doing just that? Mom, am I not just following your advice?”

“No.” Teresa was flustered, a mix of anger and regret swirling within her. “I never taught you to be like this. Never!”

“I. It isn’t what I meant. It’s not!” Teresa’s protests grew more frantic, and suddenly, she scrambled to her feet, her words tumbling out as she dashed outside, her eyes wide and unfocused.

Margaret watched her go and suddenly burst into tears, her gaze turning to me, bitter and accusing. “Happy now? Seeing my mom and 1 turn against each other like this makes you proud, huh?”

“Somewhat.” My response was cold, detached.

of victory, it was just karma doing its

this day would come. It turned out that the fiercest

“Don’t think

smile. “You’d be better off moving quickly before the online vigilantes find your address

realized she was being filmed, her expression immediately shifting as she whispered fiercely, “Jane, you’ve

that, she covered her face with

last, the drama had come to an

sighed and made my way

run into Steven,

her tablet, barely containing her excitement. “Did you have a hand in what’s online? I wouldn’t have pegged you for the type to

kicking off my shoes. “Wasn’t

it was my doing. Even Christine had suspected me. But unlike Bryant, Christine believed me without question

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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