Christine was shocked. “No way?”
I sighed. “Yup, that’s the scoop.”
Wondering when I’d finally get that jerk to sign the divorce papers was like
guessing when it would rain in a drought.
Christine tried to cheer me up when she saw I was down in the dumps. “Don’t
sweat it. You know, when it comes to divorce, if one person’s dead set on it,
it’s inevitable. And hey, you’ve sorted everything out, just missing that piece of
paper. You might as well consider yourself free.”

I smiled, chit-chatting before changing the subject, “What about you? Hasn’t
Steven popped over here looking for you?”
I still owed Steven a dinner for helping me move. He remembered where I
lived. A quick chat with Bryant would clear that up, even if he didn’t.

Christine’s mood dipped, her voice soft, “No, he wouldn’t dare show up here.”
I asked, “Why not?”
Christine looked at me. “He’s terrified of Bryant.”

my God, Teresa and Margaret made quite the scene at the town hall!” “What?” I was puzzled, but Christine handed me her phone. Footage from the town hall taken by bystanders had gone viral online. Behind today’s drama, it seemed like some significant power was stirring the pot. The Ferguson

up on social media. Like mushrooms after the rain, you pulled one out, and
another popped up.

hooks up with her stepfather and his son, and Albert screws with his wife and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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