Chapter 325

glanced at her. He was so happy to see such a scene that he never wanted to leave. A plate of fruit soon ran out. Frank glanced at the time. It was almost ten o’clock. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. “How time flies!” He was unwilling to leave, but he had to. He had no suitable reason to stay. “Judy, Lucas, Eric, I’m leaving. See you tomorrow!” As Frank spoke, he stood up but did not move. The warmth here made him not want to leave. Judith also stood up and said, “Mr. Taylor, I’ll see

toward the bathroom. Eric smiled and did not ask any further. However, he was very suspicious of Frank. Frank treated him better than anyone else. Frank even went to visit him during his shoot. In fact, he had no reason to do so. Although Eric was young, being trained by Alissa, he was mature and restrained. He was cunning. On many occasions, he hid his true personality. At such a young age,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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