Chapter 326

“Who left it here?” Judith said angrily. Without Frank, she would have fallen down. With Judith in his arms and the faint fragrance greeting his nose, Frank felt his heart skip a beat. His voice was hoarse as he asked, “Judy, are you alright?” He really wanted to hug her like this, It was the first time he had been so close to her. He didn’t want to let her go. Judith realized that she was in Frank’s arms. The tip of his nose brushed past her, and she felt his hot breath. His fragrance was very unique. “Yes, I’m fine.” Judith quickly came out of his arms. She bowed her head, not daring to look at Frank. She was not afraid of Frank, but at the moment, there was a very complicated feeling spreading in her heart. Feeling that his arms were empty, Frank felt upset. He smiled and looked at her. She was pure and lovely. Her pink home clothes made her cuter. Looking at her, he wanted to kiss her. Her slightly open collar revealed her sexy collarbone. It was amazing. Her skin was fair and attractive! Frank was attracted. His limbs seemed to freeze. He didn’t want to leave. The two of them were very close, and Judith could clearly feel Frank’s hot breath. She took a step forward, turned around, and looked up at Frank. She saw that his eyes were dark and deep. There was a deep tenderness in his eyes. He looked completely different from the usual. She blushed as she whispered, “Mr. Taylor, good night.” After saying that, she turned around and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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