Roseanne really thought she could turn back the clock, huh?

Years out of college and she's dreaming of hitting the books again?

In her dreams!

Wait till the scores are out. She'll be eating humble pie!

Raven said, "Hearing Lauretta put it that way, now I'm kinda curious too."

Alva smirked. "Yeah, we're all dying to know, Annie. Just check it, will you? Let's have a look. No biggie, whether you aced it or bombed it, it's all good."

Madge glanced at her daughter, instinctively wanting to object.

But Roseanne simply smiled: "Sure."

The group huddled around the computer. Roseanne had already entered her candidate number and password; now, all it took was a gentle tap on the enter key to reveal her scores. "Dad, you do it."

Norris was surprised. "Me?"

"Yeah, didn't you check my SAT scores for me back in the day?"

"Alright." Norris rubbed his hands together, took a deep breath, and pressed enter.

The page hesitated, loading.

Everyone held their breath.

One second, two seconds...

"It's up! It's up!"

Total score: 412..

nudged a stunned Lauretta, whispering, "What's the total score? Four hundred something doesn't sound

lips moved, but no

you saying

probably in the top three? First place isn't out of the question." Abbey, catching up, widened her eyes: "Does that mean... she got into Kingswell University for

poker faced, said, "Technically, grad school admissions involve both written tests and interviews. Just going


into Kingswell University, and

part makes up a significant chunk of the score. They won't weed out too many at the interview stage. Annie's practically got one foot through Kingswell University's door. Congrats,

years, not only came back but also brought them a villa and now

between father and

started right



was the

a father who

"Thanks, Raven."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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