Roseanne had been fretting she'd miss Madge's birthday party. Thankfully, the day before the big bash, the books she'd ordered arrived right on schedule. Madge, clasping the books to her chest, couldn't hide her delight. "How on earth did you know I've been dying to get my hands on this series?" "You've been harping on about it for ages," Roseanne teased, raising an eyebrow. "It would've been hard not to notice."

Madge huffed, a playful scowl crossing her face. "Well, maybe if you came home more often... But thank you, darling. I absolutely adore this gift."

She smiled warmly, pulling Roseanne into a tender embrace. Her eyes, soft and loving, watched over Roseanne as her hands gently brushed through her hair.

"I remember you always had such long hair. What made you cut it short?"

Roseanne nuzzled closer, feigning offense. "Don't you like it?"

"It's lovely. My girl always looks beautiful," Madge declared with pride.

Roseanne chuckled softly, clinging tighter to her mother.

"Got through the written exam, huh? The interview's up next, right?" Madge mused. "Guess you'll be heading back to Lumina City soon."

Roseanne paused, then softly agreed.

Madge laughed softly, a knowing glint in her eye. "I knew Pinehollow couldn't keep you tied down. You've grown, my dear. It's time to spread your wings. Go on, chase your dreams."

tremble ran through Roseanne's lashes as she whispered, "This time, I

kitchen, Norris wielded a spatula like a baton, glancing over at the mother-daughter duo.

the train back

was chilly and dust-coated



them still, swimming happily. She fed them before turning her

on the heating, she busied herself cleaning the apartment from top to bottom, swapping out old. linens for fresh ones,

the time she'd finished,

shopping, she ordered groceries online and began to cook a leisurely dinner, bathed in the warm, yellow glow

As evening deepened and

streetlights flickered on, Owen,

spent the day in the lab, paused at the entrance

a sense

looked up to see lights on in the apartment that

his way upstairs, his breath

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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