Chapter 41 She Is Adorably Cute

When Walter returned, Jonathan was giving his instructions to the butler regarding breakfast the next day. “Mich loves omelet. Also, prepare some mushroom soup. She’s too skinny, so it’s a must to ensure she gets a nutritious and well-balanced diet.”

“Got it, Mr. Xander!” the butler answered with a broad grin.

Who says Mr. Xander doesn’t know how to care about others? It’s just that he hasn’t met the right one before this! Isn’t he doing great now?

After the butler left, Walter approached and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Xander, Mr. Zack has left. I’m afraid Lucille would never dream that you would be able to find the pinhole camera. But she has her alert high up too, and that’s why she managed to escape from the clutches of our men and hurt Ms. Michaela.”

At the mention of the incident earlier that day, a frown instantly formed between Jonathan’s eyebrows. A cold glint flashed across his eyes, and there was a hint of aloofness in his icy voice. “Do you have everything ready?”


“I’ve obtained the surveillance footage of Lucille meeting up with the representatives from the magazine company. However, I can’t hear their conversation.”

“That’s enough,” Jonathan said slowly. “Get someone to work on it. I want to see results by tomorrow morning.”


“Yes, Mr. Xander!” Walter agreed.

He knew very well that Jonathan was not a kind person. Barely anyone could escape his clutches if he secretly wanted to teach someone a lesson.

At the thought of that, Walter’s lips curled. “About Lucille…”

“There’s no need to be bothered about that anymore. No matter how much of a ruckus she caused, it’ll never amount to anything.”

There was barely any expression on Jonathan’s face, yet his sharp gaze alone was enough to send a chill down everyone’s spine.

That Lucille is totally shooting her own legs. She’s on the way to seek her death! Walter scoffed as he secretly mourned and prayed for her.

Right then, they heard footsteps coming their way. Looking in the direction, Gary walked in with a blank face and stopped right before Jonathan. “Mr. Xander, I’m sorry for the oversight today. I failed to protect Ms. Lingard. Please punish as you deem fit, Mr. Xander!”

Gary was riddled with guilt ever since the incident occurred, and that pang of guilt was even more apparent on his face at that point.

happen then if Jonathan did not arrive in

can’t possibly blame you for that but be extra careful about Mich’s safety from now on. I

wore a serious look on

on Gary’s shoulder and started to make his way into the house. It

in the air. “I guess it has been too quiet for Jacob Real Estate recently. We should keep Mr. Lingard occupied with

it, Mr. Xander!” Walter eagerly

“Do you think Mr. Xander is doing this for the

that Jacob might not even have the time

response, Gary coldly threw him a glance. “Why didn’t you ask

like you!” Walter babbled as he

fell, Gary flatly responded, “Haven’t you been single since birth even though you’re

mad he almost coughed blood out as he glared furiously

the other side, the housekeepers in the mansion had

house, there was only a warm orange glow from a wall lamp illuminating the interior. The only difference was that the man knew he

that his wandering

other room of the mansion. She was too embarrassed to ask for help and hence had been organizing her boxes

there were also cosmetics, footwear, and bags.

of clothes before her eyes were all clothing from the latest season, and most importantly, the

she felt her face flaming at the sudden revelation, she heard a knock on the door. Lifting

of undergarments in her hands

are you not asleep

no one had noticed what she was doing, but it

lowered her eyes to answer. After giving it some thought, she looked up again

visit was about Lucille’s matter, she

have such

apparent hint of cautiousness in her gaze that made the man feel his heart wrenched for her. Resorting to remain deadpan, he changed the subject and asked, “Any

eggs if I head out now, so I reckoned it’s better

could still see through her and thus decided not to go on anymore. “Take a bath and

at that point, almost as if he was trying to suppress something

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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