Chapter 42 She Freaks Out

The dream from last night continued to linger in Michaela’s mind, seemingly stabbing right through her heart as the tumult of emotions brewing within her could not calm down even after a long time.

She had long put those immature words she had once said while she was young at the back of her mind as time slipped away.

I have to admit the layout and structure of Shappiray Mansion are exactly like what I’ve envisioned, or possibly even better, and I’m more than glad about it. But again, I’m sure this is nothing more than pure coincidence. Or perhaps, those words I said years ago have inspired him to build Shappiray Mansion in such a manner! Oh well, I don’t even dwell on those ideas, so why will others?

After getting things reasoned out, Michaela swiftly brushed her teeth and get changed. She thought she had woken up quite early, but only to find that Jonathan was already seated on the couch working on his laptop placed on his thighs when she headed downstairs.

As his slender and defined fingers danced across the keyboard, the crisp clattering of the keys sounded rhythmically in the room.


The man had a tall build and long legs. Verily, as he slightly extended his legs and leaned back onto the couch slothfully, there was an inexplicable sense of casualness and attractiveness.

While Michaela was engrossed in what was before her eyes, Jonathan suddenly threw a side glance in her direction. He wore a composed look and had his lips slightly curled upward.


“Good morning, Mr. Jonathan!” She stopped abruptly in the middle of the flight of stairs and obediently greeted him.

“Mmm.” Jonathan withdrew his gaze. She honestly looks good in anything. Despite those thoughts, the words coming out of his mouth sounded extremely serious. “Did you sleep well last night?”

“I-I guess so!” Michaela replied with her eyes lowered.

Being in an unfamiliar environment, she thought she would not be able to fall asleep. Little did she expect that she would have a good night of sleep till dawn, much less a dream.

The thought of how she used to call Jonathan by his name brazenly made her feel a little guilt-ridden. She felt like there was a flame ignited and burning fierily on her chest.

“Why is your face so red? Are you feeling unwell?”

Recognizing that the voice came from above her head, Michaela immediately raised her head. Only then did she realize Jonathan was standing right in front of her, staring at her concernedly.

brushed against her face, causing her to blush so much that she looked

forget to close the

after a long while, the man

of her skin that Jonathan had just touched felt

“I-I’m just hungry and rushed down in a hurry!” She blinked as she

those words. Nonetheless, he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her toward the dining room. “The kitchen has finished preparing breakfast. There’s

radiate a blissful tenderness. His handsome

for their arrival. Noticing their intimate behavior as they walked in, he wore a delighted look as he greeted, “Good morning,

morning, Wayne!” she replied

sight of Wayne’s meaningful smile, she bowed her head even

that everyone there

housekeepers sized me up curiously; though Wayne is extremely friendly, he has a baffling smile. And not to mention how Jonathan was so intimate by having physical contact with me. Can’t he

her thoughts were in a jumbled mess, Jonathan’s deep voice sounded from beside her ear. “I haven’t had time to ask you yesterday. What do you think of

as that question reminded her

Jonathan’s question only triggered her

flushed a crimson red, and her tears


words rang out, Michela felt a sudden pressure on

with her blouse on, she could feel the warmth from Jonathan’s palm permeating into her skin, leaving her with a

creeping up


an answer to his question earlier. “You have yet to answer

Michaela acknowledged with a gentle

that?” Those three simple words supposedly were not enough to satisfy Jonathan, which explained

soup and her exquisite face blanked out as she fell into deep thought for a while before she turned to the man and solemnly said, “And also, you’re just like what

was unprepared, leaving her jumping in fright that the

then, a soft voice rang next to her ear. “Mich, you’re doing it on purpose, am I right? Tell me… what should I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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