Chapter 65 Avoidance

In the afternoon on Friday, Michaela received a message from Jonathan. He was asking her to head to the Xander residence after work first, for he had a meeting at night and would only be able to go there later.

Michaela was relieved to go to the Xander residence by herself.

When she found out that the two elderly of the Xander family was coming back, she immediately realized they must have returned because of Zack and her. After work, she went to buy some supplements before rushing to the Xander residence.

In the past, she used to go to the Xander residence with her mother, so her mother was the one to prepare the gifts. Now that she was alone, she had to make sure to be as polite as usual.

The Xander residence was located in a remote area away from the noisy crowds. It was a brilliant place for the elderly to live at.

By the time Michaela reached her destination, the sky was darkening. Even from afar, she could see a figure standing by the doorway of the courtyard. When she came closer to the house, she realized it was Mavis.

Mavis was old, and her white hair was combed neatly. Although her face was full of wrinkles and her skin was sagging, anyone would realize from her features that she used to be a beauty when she was younger.

Even as time went by, the elegance in her behavior never went away. Instead, she became more and more graceful over time.

At that, Michaela’s heart melted, and she hastily opened the car door to greet her. “Old Mrs. Xander, why are you standing here. It’s cold out here at night. You might catch a cold here!”

“You’ve always been sweet and sensible since young. Zack’s a fool to not appreciate you. This is our fault…”

Mavis and her husband had been in remorse ever since they learned about the incident.

Back then, they thought both Michaela and Zack would click with each other since they were around the same age and Zack was a hardworking child. Neither thought that there would be a day when both of them would misjudge the situation.

There were a few times when Mavis woke up in the middle of the night and found her husband sitting alone in the study, looking at Adrian’s photo. She had heard him muttering his apologies to Adrian, as Zack had caused Adrian’s beloved granddaughter to be aggrieved.

ached even more for Michaela when she found out about what Lucille had done. That was why she

“Old Mrs. Xander, please don’t say that. I know that Old Mr. Xander and you

are. Come on, come with me into the

courtyard. When she saw the supplements that Michaela was carrying, she uttered, “Don’t be so courteous in

nice to

At the same time, she sighed inwardly, Zack’s

Nick had already put down the newspaper in his hands. He then raised his head to look at her before softly saying, “Mich, you’re here. Come

old-fashioned cotton dark blue suit. He looked lively, and the smile

Mr. Xander, I heard from Mr. Jonathan that you were unwell a while ago. Are you feeling

Mich, about Zack’s matter… You must

fault, the profuse apologies from Mavis and Nick made Michaela, who was indeed upset about the matter, feel awkward. She quickly said, “Old Mr. Xander, let’s not talk about past matters. If both of you get angry and become ill because

thoughtful, silly girl,” Mavis chimed in an approving

felt bad about the matter, but she was also concerned about the

and everything seemed to be malfunctioning—from

Michaela was right in that anger would make him ill. Mavis was worried that Nick would become sick from the anger

smile on Nick’s face deepened. Despite his prior arrangements, he subtly changed the topic. “I heard

fine,” Michaela softly

returned to find the young woman sitting beside his parents, chatting

the doorway, she quickly stood up

Mr. Jonathan?

a displeased look

words, she left home early and returned late. Once she was home, she would then hide

that the lights were on in Michaela’s room the night before, he knocked on her door. Perhaps it would have been better for him not to have done that, for the moment he knocked on the door, the young woman turned off the lights and

about that. He thought that she was only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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