Chapter 66 Playing With Fire

At the table in the dining room long enough to accommodate a dozen-odd people, the two elder Xanders sat on one side while Michaela and Jonathan took their places opposite them.

Coming in, Michaela was under the impression that the head of the Xander family would preside over the table. That way, she might seize the opportunity to sit with Mavis and away from Jonathan.

Little did she anticipate being grabbed by the wrist as soon as she stepped in.

The sensation of the large mitts wrapped around her wrist had the immediate effect of putting a thorough blush upon Michaela’s dainty cheeks.

There was no way she could have expected Jonathan to behave so insolently in front of the elder Xanders. In the midst of her trepidation, Jonathan said, “My father wants to sit with my mother, so you should come and sit next to me!”

So, it would seem that having been so loving throughout their lives, the older couple were equally inseparable even at mealtimes. That was something that had come to be normalized within the Xander family.

Michaela was somewhat uneasy about returning to Jonathan’s side once more. Her movements became extremely conservative out of fear that she might make contact with any part of Jonathan’s body.

There was still a warmth left around the circumference of her wrist where he had held her a moment ago. It left a titillating sensation so overwhelming that it nearly swallowed her whole. Hence, she was fearful of making any further physical contact with him again.

Mavis was oblivious to the awkwardness between the pair. All that was apparent to her was Michaela scraping away at only what was on her plate with her head bowed. Eventually, she said, “Since you are seated closer, Jonathan, help serve some food to Mich!”

“Got it!’“

Correspondingly, Jonathan did as he was told, only to hear Mavis let out a sigh of disapproval, “How could you ever hope to bring home a wife for yourself being as klutzy as you are? Even your Dad and I wonder whether we would ever live long enough to see you have a family of your own!”


In Michaela’s esteem, she felt strongly that Mavis did not understand her own son well enough.

family, her son was so adept at the game of seduction that

the options presented to you, and even that girl from the Johnsons failed to catch your eye. Although I am aware that you possess some great qualities, Jonathan, surely you cannot expect to spend the rest of your life alone? Your Dad and I can’t possibly be

me straight today. What sort of girl do you fancy? That

Him interested in men?

Michaela attempted to

Xander is really progressive, able to so have the mention of same-sex attraction roll so

was, in actuality, a

rehash the same thing as and when Jonathan came home to eat, as though being without a girlfriend was a

was especially skilled at maneuvering his way out of such insipidity. Only that time, he had his playful impulses surprisingly drummed up in response to that


out of nowhere left Mavis her momentarily stunned. Reflexively, she exchanged a look of astoundment with her

did you not tell us about it earlier? You know,

self-reproach, as she wondered if she had been heaping too

stance in the face of Mavis’ doubts. “I have

was since young, not once has Jonathan ever said anything that

eyes glinted with joy. “Then, when do you intend to bring her home to meet us? Since we have no need to engage in strategic unions, we aren’t that particular about her family background, so long as she is a young lady of fine character. We have no

refrained from responding immediately and instead cast Michaela a

Michaela started coughing up a fit


prompting Michaela to regard him askance. Whose fault was that? Do you mean to scare me

inebriated cannot be taken at face value, he seemed intent on being as loud as possible about it, as though hoping that the

of how Jonathan viewed the situation, the fact that he was Zack’s uncle would be scandalous

was almost embarrassed

merely there for a simple meal, she had not anticipated that Jonathan might seek to set her up. That, per se, was a misstep on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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