Chapter 67 I Yield

“I don’t have any clothing here that’s suitable for young women, Mich. What I do have is a new nightie that I’ve recently bought, so try to make do with it today. I’ll have someone get that sorted out tomorrow.”

“It’s okay, Old Mrs. Xander. I’ve already imposed myself on you quite enough already. My mom might get upset with me if she were to find out how much work I’m putting you through.”

Most kids nowadays are ill-bred and incurably willful, being spoilt rotten the way they are. That, however, is not the case with this girl right here; she is polite, gracious, witty, competent, unfussy with food, and dresses modestly. Mavis’ fondness for the young woman only grew the more she saw of her.

To her, the young woman before her possessed all the qualities that would make her the ideal wife one day. As such, she could not help but lament the fact that the Xanders simply did not have the good fortune to have her become part of their family.

Worried that Michaela would be unable to settle in well since she was staying over for the first time, Mavis spent some time chatting with her before getting up to leave. Nevertheless, she did not neglect to remind Michaela to turn in early.


Michaela saw Mavis to the stairs where she watched the elderly lady descend them with assured steps. She was about to turn back when she spotted Jonathan who was standing not too far away.

Already changed out of his suit, Jonathan was dressed in a more casual outfit that was more comfortable to be worn around the house. For some inexplicable reason, it conferred upon him the geniality of a boy-next-door that was conspicuously absent from his usual high-and-mighty bossman persona.


He had his hands tucked inside the pockets of his pants as he regarded her with a laid-back expression, and when their eyes met, the man’s deep-set eyes and unfathomable gaze were akin to a bottomless pit that threatened to suck her in.

Steadily curling up his lips, he cast her a devilish smile that made her shudder, and in response, Michaela turned and broke into a run, almost without apprehension.

“Stop right there, Michaela Lingard!”

Jonathan furrowed at the woman’s audacity to torment him by her avoidance. Did she really expect to be able to get away scot-free during our time at the Xander residence after entertaining herself at dinner at my expense?

Getting too far ahead of herself, I’d say!

Jonathan’s long and narrow eyes squinted. His pretty and piercing gaze, coupled with the fact that there was not much physical separation between them, to begin with, sent a chill down Michaela’s spine.

Michaela’s limbs betrayed her at the most crucial moment. Her slightly trembly hands failed to open the door no matter how hard

strolled over to her side and leaned his forearm against the wall next to the door. Smiling wryly, he said, “Where do you think you’re going? Have you forgotten that this is the place

his gaze burning, causing her

a splendid mood. “Now, why don’t you tell me, Mich, who is in the


certainly start pointing fingers, but

already leaned in with his

“I-I didn’t!”

a little self-conscious under the glare of Jonathan’s intense scrutiny. Not

not something that she wanted. Apart from avoiding him, Michaela did not know

and stature, there was no woman out of Jonathan’s reach. He’s merely toying with me, and


once more with a mystifying look in his eyes as though to penetrate Michaela’s innermost thoughts. When she did not respond, he nodded, and growled sonorously and dourly, “Fine. In that case, I’ll swear that I’d never show

Jonathan swiftly turned to depart, only to hear the woman’s firm denial. “It’s

residence they were in. Hence, she sought to

came unexpectedly to her was the lack of surprise from the smirking Jonathan. I just knew that she could not bear to be apart

more, Jonathan turned to face Michaela and lifted her chin with his slender digits. When Michaela declined to

changed so quickly that

of walking away. If nothing else, he was really looking to

speak, she heard Nick’s energetic voice ringing out from downstairs. “Have you any idea what time it is already? Why are you still going back and forth like that?

old coot, but you just wouldn’t listen. This warm milk that I have here can help. Run along to bed now. I’ll be back once I have this sent over to

coming up the stairs right

Jonathan and her must appear right now. Pushing the man away without any hesitance, she prepared herself to duck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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