Chapter 71 Unanticipated Apology

Erin could not rival his strength. The results of her resistance were always the same. She drifted in and out of a trance in her half–awakened state. At the peak of her climax, Erin’s brain emptied, as though she was floating on the clouds.

She was extremely conflicted. Try as she might to shield her heart against Chandler’s charms, her body had completely. accepted the feeling of his body against hers. Why else would she jerk awake the second lan started touching her?

And yet, when it came to Chandler, it was only when he had her that she awakened. Deep down, part of her had to admit that the fit of his body against hers was a perfect match.

Seeing that she was weak and powerless, Chandler leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry, Erin.”

She was immediately wide awake. For a second, Erin wondered if she had been hallucinating. “What?” she asked, surprised.

Sweat beaded on Chandler’s forehead. From where she lay, his perfectly balanced features were so stunning that Erin found

herself lost in wonder.

Chandler winked at her seductively and repeated, “I want to apologize to you.”

Despite the ridiculousness of the situation, she was shocked that he would actually apologize to her. Yet, Erin couldn’t help but ask, “What are you apologizing for?”

Chandler’s gaze was entirely focused when he looked at her and replied seriously, “I shouldn’t have choked you. And that incident with Claire–I want you to know that I knew all along that it was her who framed you, but I had chosen to prioritize stabilizing her emotions at that time over your feelings. I shouldn’t have asked you to apologize to her. I’m so sorry, Erin.”

The long–awaited apology drove Erin into silent tears. Chandler wiped away her tears with the back of his thumb. Softly, he asked, “Why are you crying?”

Erin was unprepared for the tenderness he was showing her now. “Why are you apologizing to me-” she choked out.

“I realized I was in the wrong. Naturally, it’s only right for me to apologize. You told me that I didn’t know how to respect you. Is it too late for me to learn to respect you now?” His voice had always been melodious, but coupled with a humbled attitude and deep sincerity, it was enough to make any woman fall in love.

no exception. Now, she dared not look directly into his eyes. Those dark, deep eyes seemed to possess some kind of mysterious,

with his fingers, pressing his lips onto hers gently. For the first time, Erin’s emotions stirred, and she responded to his touch. This major change in her attitude caused a delicate flower to blossom in Chandler’s heart. He

dressing mirror. Her reflection today seemed different from what it used to be

just put on a shirt, Chandler embraced her from behind and gazed at their joined reflections in the mirror. He murmured in her ear, “You’re so beautiful.”

him. Still, faint tendrils of doubt resided within her heart. She kept on thinking that she had

in her eyes prompted Chandler to press his lips

have a fresh start.”

were not passionate confessions of love, but she could

her being his secret lover made her uneasy. “Who am I

avoided the question. Instead, he replied, “Just know that you’re not Claire. You’re not like everyone else. You’re

Erin couldn’t be sure of her heart. She didn’t know if she had fallen

to work in the company, so Erin helped him look for books in the study. There was a wooden staircase in the

place, but he simply mentioned a few foreign book

pondered her relationship with Chandler. The scars lan left in her heart had not yet fully recovered.

in thought, so much so that she didn’t realize that Chandler had walked over to her side. He

her momentum, and she fell into his arms easily. He smiled as he asked,

Her heart fluttered like a herd of deer was running wild

and behavior, Chandler felt a sense of victory as he took in her every move. He had never thought about using his good looks to win over anyone. Yet, when it came to Erin, it seemed


believe what Kyle had told him the other day. If it hadn’t been for the fact that she had feelings for him, she would never have changed so much in the

me want to get another taste of you again.” His seductive voice drifted lightly into her ears. Just

as he was moving toward her earlobes, Erin

knitted his brow

to get down, and Chandler didn’t force her to stay. Seeing as she was about to leave the room, he grabbed her waist

going to the pharmacy to buy some medication for–for contraception.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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