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Chapter 72 By Your Side

Two hours later, in the study, the butler stood in front of Chandler and gave him a full report of the situation.

“Did you see her finish the medicine?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” the butler, Mr. Charleston, replied.

“When you went to get the medicine from Alan, what did he say?”

“Dr. Louise said it was the best imported folic acid pills in their hospital and that it was a nutrient tablet especially effective in preparing women for pregnancy,” Mr. Charleston answered.

Chandler thought about it for a while. “I’m asking you to keep this matter strictly confidential, understood? No one can know about this, especially not the chairman of the board. Make sure the lips of the servants under your supervision are completely

sealed as well.”

Mr. Charleston nodded. “Please be rest assured, sir!”

“Alright, you can leave now.”

When night fell, Erin had just finished talking to her mother on the phone in the bedroom when she heard that Ian had returned home. It was said that he had been kicked out by her mother herself.

Cherry had learned about Erin and lan’s divorce based on the information provided by Kyle, including the incriminating evidence about Ian’s infidelity. Although her mother could not accept the fact that her daughter was getting a divorce at such a young age, she didn’t wish for her daughter to suffer.

another husband. To avoid gossip among their

that no one else had to ever know about her divorce. After all,

of the day, her mother was just looking out for her. Her mother kept telling her on the phone that it was


beside her that she snapped out of her trance. Glancing at her phone, he asked, “Were you on the phone with your mom just now?”

Erin sighed. “Yeah.”

her head against him. Softly, he said, “She would have known sooner or later. It was better if she knew that Ian had been the one at

she believed without a doubt that the evidence Chandler had instructed Kyle to collect was solid. Her mother had no doubts and believed it

I really wouldn’t have known what to tell her exactly. I

us,” she said.

need to thank me. I was just

to use protection when we do it. I don’t want to take too

another country. It has no side effects on

instantly, disbelief evident on her features. She could not believe


her chin and smiled. “What? Do you not believe me? I thought we were trying to understand one another. I just happened to check your medical records just

asked, “Do you know everything about me now, including the fact that I had chickenpox


wouldn’t be surprised if you’d investigated all

was really ugly. Thank God you’re still so beautiful now.” He looked

his biceps lightly. She said jealously, “Did you never have an ugly photo from childhood till now? I don’t

gaze lowered to her hands, those thick, dark eyelashes covering his eyes like a silhouette. Erin itched

I have a father who is an absolute perfectionist. I’m sure you remember what Kyle told you on the cruise in Grecia about how I killed my biological mother. Everything he said was true. I am the greatest imperfection in my father’s life. Even though he tried his best to protect me from physical harm ever since I was a child, he also

Chandler stood and prepared

for him. She had always thought of him as someone who got everything he wanted, but with that kind of father, had Chandler ever felt the warmth of family from childhood to adulthood? Instinctively, she tugged at his arm. She didn’t want him to


You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’ll be here if you ever want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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