Chapter 105 Faith and Betrayal

Delighted, Sean said, “He came back just last month! Right now, he needs an assistant on an internship basis. His former one is giving birth next month. He was the one who asked me to help him find a reliable assistant who can handle any hardship. I thought of you immediately. Aren’t I a great friend?”

If Sean were asking her to be his assistant, then Erin would reject him immediately. However, now she was to be Roman Blair’s assistant. Honestly, she was quite tempted.

Although Erin stayed silent, Sean could tell from her tone that she was indeed interested. He said seriously, “Erin, I’m only telling you about this because I’m confident in your skills! If you didn’t have the skills to shine and rise up to the challenge, I would never risk my reputation and recommend you to him. I’ve already given you the opportunity. It’s not my problem if you. give up on it.”

“I accept!” Erin said solemnly.

This was the kind of opportunity that didn’t come every day. It was an honor to be able to be Roman Blair’s assistant!

Sean was overjoyed. However, he put on an act and asked, “What did you say?”

Erin repeated, equally serious as before, “I accept.”

“Great. Since you’re taking the job, I’ll give him a call and tell him about it. No taking it back! A man’s only as good as his word. I’m a person who keeps my private and professional matters separate, so I can recommend you, but he might not pick you. It’s all up to Roman in the end.”

Grateful, Erin said, “Thank you, Sean! I’ll do my best!”

“Wait for me to send news,


Erin was anxious as she said, “Wait, don’t hang up! Could you give me some relevant information? I’ve never been a celebrity’s assistant before, so I have no experience at all. I would like to practice a bit before meeting Roman.”

Sean really admired her go–getter attitude. “It’s great that you’re so self–aware. I really do think you have a chance. Give me your email address, and I’ll send you the requirements for being a celebrity’s assistant in general and Roman’s requests in particular. Have a look at those first, alright?”

really get hired, I’ll treat you to

looking forward to

phone down, Sean looked at the detailed information on Erin that he had on his desk. He leaned into his seat,

Frost Building was experiencing a

into his new eight–billion–dollar collaborative project. Right then, Kyle brought Logan into the office. Once Kyle left, Chandler put all of his work aside for the time

reason. Considering you’ve come here personally, you must need something.

“Your deduction is impeccable; you got it in one

gaze darkened. He asked,

know that Mr. Larson is my uncle. When he went to my place for dinner last night, I asked him for

get through the situation. I’ve

were frosted over with a layer of ice. Coldly, he said, “Yvonne’s gone mad! Is it because she thought that were cheating on her with Erin that she


used! She regrets it already and knows that she

to it, it’s all my fault. I knew Yvonne’s condition all along, but

with an icy gaze. “Are you here

know it’s selfish of me to ask, but even though I’ve broken up with Yvonne, she was with me for five years. If I don’t help her, no one will! I can’t bear to see her be sent to prison at her

imploration. Thus, Chandler’s heart softened when he witnessed how Logan begged when he never had

asked, “Where’s Yvonne

for psychiatric treatment two

her away. What’s the point

no matter where in the

remained silent as he stood before the

Logan and said, “Just this one chance! If Yvonne makes another dumb move, no one can save her anymore!”

let out a breath. “I understand. Don’t worry, I guarantee

then.” Chandler couldn’t be bothered to spare Logan another glance. He walked straight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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