Chapter 106 Interview

Two days later at 10 am, in the city’s financial district, there was a huge fight in the president’s office of Starlight Media, a company in the same standing as Truffleberry Media.

Matthew was wearing a hat in an avant–garde distressed style and a T–shirt with the image of an alien on it. He also had on jeans with rips in them and a pair of white sneakers with green edges.

He was about to walk out of the office when a stern voice cried out, “Stand right there! I haven’t finished talking!”

The president of Starlight Media, Warren Burgess, was enraged. He glared at Matthew’s back as he continued, “Sit your ass

back down!”

“Wasn’t all that you said before enough? My love life has nothing to do with my work. I’m currently in a rush!” Matthew’s voice was icy, tone full of disdain.

Annoyed, Warren said, “Matthew, although you’re only an adopted son of our family, I’ve been your older brother for twenty years! I can’t bear to watch you single–handedly ruin your music career! What in the hell is your relationship with that Erin Lane woman?”

Matthew turned to face him again. His tone was full of ridicule, he asked, “Haven’t you already seen the photo online?”

“So, she’s really your girlfriend?” Warren was visibly shocked.

“She will be soon,” Matthew said enigmatically.

Warren slammed his fists heavily onto the table. “Ridiculous! If she’s not your girlfriend, how could you be so careless as to allow the paparazzi to take such a photo!” Then, seeing Matthew so unmoved, Warren frowned. Abruptly, he asked, “Did you get someone to take it?”

Matthew’s silence might as well be an admission of guilt to Warren. He walked before Matthew, his eyes filled with rage. “Tell me honestly–what are you planning? You’re not a newbie in the entertainment industry anymore. You can’t know that coming up with such a scandal on a whim might affect your career!”

waited for her for ten years, and I refuse to keep on waiting! All I want to achieve from this scandal is to let three people see it. One of them is Claire Kane. I want her to give up on me as soon

being too blunt; I’ll say it anyway. I don’t care if you’re interested in

said, Matthew left without a second look. Meanwhile, Warren kept silent, his expression

the same time as this altercation, Erin brought her resume

this appointment. Unexpectedly, Roman’s villa was located in

and he sent her the address,

the one to Chandler’s. Thus, Erin walked over to Roman’s place while holding up a

door, her heart was beating so fast and erratically that it felt like it was trying to escape

right before her eyes. It made Erin feel faint. She was finally going to meet her idol and experience what it

best to even out her breathing, Erin rang the doorbell. Soon

made her seem refined and elegant, contrasting with her voluptuous figure enveloped in a form–fitting, crimson Chanel dress. She also wore

after seeing her, Erin was overwhelmed by the woman’s bearing. She was so perfect that Erin couldn’t

could not hold back the idea that this woman would be the perfect match for

gently and politely,

quickly took a few steps back to check the unit number. Once she was sure there was no mistake, she said, “Hello, my name is Erin Lane. I’m here to see Mr. Roman Blair. I’m here

Roman mentioned it

into the villa. Just as she got to the living room, she saw two attention–stealing men walking down the elegant

stumble upon Chandler in Roman’s home when she’d

Roman walked leisurely down the

if she were a stranger. His eyes were so cold and uncaring

did Erin finally come back to herself. “Hi,

out a hand for Erin to shake. He said smilingly, “Don’t be nervous. These are both my good friends. Would you mind if they’re

say so at all. Awkwardly, she answered, “I don’t mind.”

anywhere. Would you like something to drink?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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