Chapter 131 Megan Loses It

Matthew’s expression practically screamed, “I must know!” And it left Erin speechless. Of course, she couldn’t tell him that it was Chandler.

“You don’t know him,” she answered curtly and turned to leave.

With one of his long legs, Matthew blocked her path and continued to ask, “Tell me who it is!”

Erin grew impatient at his persistence. “Does it really matter who it is? Stop asking-*

Suddenly, Matthew laughed out loud. “You can’t tell me who it is because there is no such person! You’re just making up another excuse to reject me, aren’t you?”

Shrugging nonchalantly, Erin gave up communicating with him. “Think whatever you want. Please move aside, Roman is still waiting for me to bring back his lamb skewers.”

Seeing a hint of suppressed disgust in her expression, Matthew did his best to hold back his anger and finally moved aside. Erin didn’t spare a glance at him and walked forward, taking big steps.

She’d walked a considerable distance before Matthew suddenly shouted loudly from where he stood. “I won’t give up, Erin!”

Erin didn’t turn back. She silently thought that it was beyond her control as to whether he persisted or gave up. Thinking about these unwanted admirers and pursuers, Erin felt annoyed.

Fifty minutes later, Erin returned to the set, holding an iced orange juice and some lamb skewers that were still warm as she entered Roman’s dressing room. Roman was still filming his night scenes and hadn’t returned yet. Erin decided to sit on the sofa and study the role of the fourth female lead in detail.

After less than five minutes, someone pushed open the dressing room door forcefully. The door banged against the wall, making a loud sound, and bounced back from the force.

Standing at the door, Megan glared at Erin with a furious expression. She pressed a hand against the door frame and looked at Erin


“Liliana, you stand here and guard the door!” Megan barked an order at Liliana, who was standing outside the door.

into the dressing room and kicked

furious Megan was, Erin’s intuition told her that Megan was here to look for trouble, and it probably had something to do with Simon. As such, Erin didn’t speak. She waited for Megan to speak first. At that instance, Megan’s expression was sinister and terrifying. With a head full of gorgeous pearl hairpins and dressed in a red silk gown, she was as bright and beautiful as a

on her forehead seemed to

you say to Simon? You’d

asked, “I have no idea what you mean,

but don’t dare to own up to it. Didn’t you say you were sleeping in the west

what Megan said, Erin fell deep into thought. It seemed that Simon had confronted Megan, and he must have mentioned the recording. Erin cursed wordlessly that she’d brought trouble upon herself by medding in other people’s affairs.

Calmly, she said, “Ms. Zeigler, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. and I don’t have

mad that she was about to go crazy. “Erin, you damn trash! You slut! Tell me! Did you show the recording to Simon? Don’t you dare deny it now! If it weren’t because of showing him that, why would

to spiral out of control, a warning bell sounded in Erin’s mind. She gave Megan an ultimatum. “Your private matters with your boyfriend have nothing to do

and status as a leading actress were completely overshadowed by her extreme anger. She bellowed threateningly. “You bitch! I’m going to rip you and your dishonest mouth


her lace. As Megan struggled to pull the towel off her, she helplessly watched as Erin took refuge in the changing room. She then heard

who had lost her sanity, forcefully removed her boots and began to pound away at the door frantically. She was screeching all the while as she did that. “Erin, you coward! Come out here! You shameless bitch! You’re nothing

She then went on to insult Erin’s lamily. Erin was incensed and wanted to give her a light slap. No one would be able to

sanity prevented her from opening the door. There was a madwoman right outside the door. If Erin rushed. out and got beaten up, then she deserved it. Moreover, deep down, Erin felt guilty. She’d indeed informed Simon about Megan’s

them to break up. 1

she was powerless to handle the consequences that came

would happen.

If Erin went out, she would definitely be bashed on

a cold and chilling male voice sounded outside the dressing room

by outside could hear her clearly. Someone quickly hurried to inform Roman. He immediately stopped filming and

who had been guarding the door, retreated to one side upon being intimidated by a fierce glare from Roman. When Roman and

listened to the commotion outside. After a while, she

the changing room door and said, “Erin, you can come out now. Megan is

After she came out, Roman closed and locked the door to

from me. This matter won’t end so easily. Megan lost her sanity and disregarded

somewhat guilty, Erin glanced at him and stood in place with her head bowed, looking like a child who had done something wrong. Seeing that her face was somewhat pale, Roman realized that she must have been frightened earlier. His heart ached, and even his stern tone softened a lot. “Come, sit next to me and tell me

to the situation earlier. Of course, she didn’t mention the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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