Chapter 132 The Feeling of Being in Love

Roman’s words made Erin reflect on her actions seriously.

“Roman, I caused trouble for you this time. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you in the beginning, and I interfered in matters that I shouldn’t have-

Seeing how guilty she seemed, Roman didn’t have it in him to reprimand her anymore.

He said. “This incident concerns Simon. He is Chandler’s cousin, and they’re pretty close. So, your intervention isn’t exactly out of place. However, if you happen to learn something about someone else’s personal matters in the future, don’t get involved. You’ll make enemies for yourself inadvertently if you’re not careful enough.”

After a slight pause, he added, “Moreover, the interpersonal relationships in the entertainment industry are very complex and delicate. You

don’t know what connections and influence the other party has behind them. There are no kind and trustworthy people here. Just maintaining a cordial relationship with everyone is already very challenging. Since you want to be an actress, you should know how to protect yourself first!”

Erin accepted Roman’s sensible advice humbly. He spoke like a strict older brother. His words were blunt and somewhat piercing, but he was evidently saying all that for her own good.

“Thank you, Roman. I’m indeed too impulsive when handling things.”

Erin regretted how she’d handled things when she thought about the incident with Megan. In fact, she could have anonymously sent the audio recording of Megan’s affair with Percival to Simon. That way, she herself would be spared from getting entangled in their mess.

She couldn’t help but admire Chandler’s intelligence. He’d admitted to her in her hotel room that he was the one who had sent her the videos of lan and Tracy. He even used some hacking techniques to make it anonymous, so even if Erin hired professionals to investigate, they wouldn’t be able to trace it back to him.

Roman patted her shoulder and said, “It’s okay, take your time. The entertainment industry will make you grow quickly.”

At 11 pm. Roman escorted Erin back to the hotel with Ken. After she returned to her hotel room, it didn’t take long for Matthew to come knocking on her door. As it was late, Erin didn’t open the door for fear of being spotted by the other crew members.

Instead, she sent Matthew a text message that said, “It’s too late now. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Matthew stood at the door, read her message, and then left.

By the time Erin finished showering and drying her hair, it was already midnight. Just then, her phone rang. It was a call from Chandler.

The moment the call connected, Chandler scolded, “Are you dumb, Erin? Why did you meddle in Simon’s affairs? I’m his cousin, and even I didn’t interfere.”

mean you’ve been aware that Megan

and said, “Oh, I’m aware, alright. I once caught Megan and Percival spending a night at a hotel together. Megan and Simon

incredulously. “If you already knew, why didn’t you

honeymoon phase of his relationship and refused to believe me–his cousin! We even had an argument at that time. I couldn’t be bothered with such an idiot!” Chandler

played the recorded audio for him, he wouldn’t have believed me. Simon is

for two people in the crew to

the two people you arranged?”

not telling

“Fine, you meanie!”

seriously. “I’ve already heard from Roman that you want to pursue acting. Is it

beat faster. After a few

was silence on the other end of the phone. Then, very faintly, she could hear his fluctuating breathing. After a while,

simple words, Erin found it to be the sweetest confession.

“Erin, I miss-

to her phone, waiting for him to utter the

he said something else that was


Erin scolded angrily. “You pervert! All you think about are those things… I’m going to sleep now! I’m

I miss

to hear. Erin louched

Chandler looked at his phone as a smirk slowly

her face in the pillow. Her heart was still pounding rapidly. The feeling of being in love that had been absent from her life for some time came back with a vengeance. She hadn’t felt such intense joy in a very long lime! It was as if everything

and almost got beaten up, this phone call from Chandler soothed her weary heart. Knowing that the man she loved was also thinking of her, Erin had a sweet dream and slept until daylight shone through

didn’t show up at the filming set.

always by her side. Even during his own scenes, he made sure

the crew would arrange an audition in a side hall of the studio. There would only be two actors participating. They would be auditioning for the fourth female lead in the movie–a female demon hunter who dressed up as

Erin in advance by Roman, the producer had already selected an actress for the role. The investor behind her had invested twenty million. Both the producer and the director were pleased with these extra funds that fell into their laps.

effect on the entire film. He faced slight pressure

Erin. As Erin was a last–minute addition, her success

and silently cheered herself on. Dressed in a male costume, she exuded an air of elegance and strength. Although she wore a typical coarse long

the crew. The other actress participating in the audition received the

stood up. Even though she fell nervous about the audition, the thought of Chandler’s devilishly handsome lace filled her with boundless courage. She was a woman deeply immersed in love and brimming with fighting spirit. Erin took a deep breath, opened the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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