Chapter 167 The Reason Behind Erin’s Kidnapping

Jazzlyn was so happy she could cry when Chandler said that. However, she pretended to be composed and didn’t dare show it. If she seemed too eager, she would look like some depraved nymphomaniac.

Hence, Jazzlyn lowered her eyes and said shyly, “I didn’t mean that-”

Feeling awkward, Gaston pretended to clear his throat. Since his grandson was willing to make up for the uneventful wedding night with his new bride, he thought he should leave and give the young ones some private space.

He suddenly looked at Kyle and said, “Could you please escort me back, Kyle? I’m feeling a little under the weather, I think I’d better head

back now.”

“Grandpa- Jazzlyn called out, making a show of feeling reluctant about Gaston’s departure.

Gaston glanced at her and stated, “Jazzlyn, you should stay tonight. There’s no need to send me off.”

After Kyle and Gaston left, Chandler dismissed the butler and maids in the living room.

As Chandler, a man so perfect he could pass off as an ethereal deity, walked toward Jazzlyn step by step, her heartbeat became so erratic that she nearly passed out. It wasn’t until Chandler stood in front of her, tilting his head down to stare at her, that Jazzlyn truly believed he was looking at her right there and then.

Thinking of the Overton family, Chandler squinted his eyes and smirked. “Do you really desire me this much?”

It was very rare for Chandler to be so proactive, so Jazzlyn naturally didn’t want to miss out on such an opportunity. Without Gaston’s help, perhaps Chandler would never have paid attention to her. She thought that if she offered herself to him, maybe he would fall in love

with her.

She voluntarily closed her eyes, waiting for Chandler to kiss her with an expectant and coquettish expression.

At the sight of this, Chandler almost snorted aloud with disdain. He leaned slightly closer to her ear and whispered in a deep voice, “Go to

guest room and take a

turned and left. Jazzlyn’s eyes flew open and caught sight of the tall

heart raced uncontrollably.

if she were his bed warmer, Jazzlyn didn’t mind as she believed that a man like him had probably never sincerely loved a woman before. “Just wait till you fall

Jazzlyn vowed inwardly.

she’d come prepared for something like this–there was a beautiful and sexy nightgown packed snugly

wearing pajamas. His handsome and devilish face was truly an unrivaled masterpiece. Chandler’s physical appearance was fatal to Jazzlyn. She couldn’t help but fall deeper and deeper into the abyss with

look at him.

most perfect man I’ve ever seen- Jazzlyn

that streamed in from outside the window


front of Jazzlyn and teasingly said, “As you know, our relationship isn’t built on any emotional foundation. Before we

his hand and immediately took it

clinked their glasses

facing upward, feeling her blood boiling throughout her body. The thought of


untying the ribbon holding her nightgown

that, Jazzlyn felt her head growing

your woman…

fell asleep. Even if she were thrown into

dark corridor, a man similar in height and build to Chandler walked

softly. “There’s no need

nodded lightly. “Yes,

entered Jazzlyn’s room. Long before Chandler married Jazzlyn, he’d hired this man. In the event there were unavoidable or troublesome situations, he could have someone stand in for him.

study, thinking. “Since you dared use my grandfather to pressure me,

later, Chandler locked the door to the study and started video conferencing with the hackers at his desk. The four hackers were all wearing matching black hoodies and white masks on

and asked sternly. “What

to be photographed by chance. We managed to

that they’d somewhat uncovered the true reason and motivation of the kidnapping, he wasn’t thrilled that Erin’s disappearance was very likely because of

expression, he ordered, “Send me that woman’s

the information

woman looked young, probably in her early twenties. Her attire was reminiscent of the fashion trends from an earlier era. From the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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