Chapter 168 Roman’s True Feelings

Chandler’s question made the four hackers look at each other. Then, they all nodded unanimously.

However, the leader of the hackers added, “But all those are just our speculations so far. What if we’re all wrong? No one can say for sure.”

*Focus all investigations on Jack and Tessa. I’ll keep in touch with Osborn on my end,” Chandler instructed and closed the computer screen. He needed some time to cool off.

If it was really Tessa who instructed Jack to do everything, the two long years Jack spent working for him while secretly being undercover was done so well it was terrifying. Chandler couldn’t even imagine its full implication.

He hesitated as he looked at his phone absentmindedly. It was the first time he’d ever felt so panicked and helpless in his life. The overwhelming feeling of exhaustion made his nerves tense, and a strong sense of suffocation hit him. He felt like he was going mad! 1

No matter how much he wanted to sleep, his exasperation and annoyance made it impossible for him to do so. He had a strong urge to release all his frustrations by getting into a brutal fistfight.

The next moment, Chandler turned off the lights in his study. The room was thrown into complete darkness, and he sat alone on the sofa in front of the window wall. The small red dot between his fingers flickered, and dense smoke billowed heavily yet weightlessly from his


He wondered what kind of situation Erin was in right now. Was she being tortured? Was she still alive and well? Was their unborn baby still

safe inside her?

Various unfortunate scenarios popped up in his mind simultaneously, and he felt his heart being repeatedly battered until it turned into a bloody mess. A primal fear and a sense of agony gradually seeped out from within him. His fingers that were holding the cigarette began

to tremble slightly.

Chandler felt that he couldn’t continue to stay alone in the dark any longer. He was afraid that he couldn’t bear it all and might end up taking his own life someday. Stubbing the cigarette fiercely in the ashtray, he took out his phone and made a call to Roman.

Over an hour later, Roman and Chandler appeared at a boxing gym together.

gloves as well as mouthguards and stared at each other. The faces of

they suddenly started punches at each other. Chandler and Roman fought with great intensity. Neither of them

collapsed in the boxing ring, exhausted. Both of their

his mouthguard. At that moment, he felt the despair consuming him lessen by a little. The soreness and profound exhaustion in his body allowed him to space out for a few seconds, not having to think about anything.

got back on the ring. Chandler caught it with his bare hands. He

now, but you have to hold on. Erin is still waiting for you to save

expected something like this to happen, so stop blaming yourself.”

went from viciously scolding Chandler initially to being considerably calm now. After

just him–even Sean, Matthew, and

taken her away, after all. Therefore, on that point alone, Chandler had no way of pushing the blame elsewhere. Matthew and Caleb came to know about Erin’s disappearance because Chandler asked for


Erin was already his woman and was carrying his child.

With more people on the look, he had

spot and spacing out, Roman walked over to him,

tell me. I’ve already reached out to my circle of friends too. We can’t let Erin down!” Roman’s firm and powerful words brought Chandler back to his senses.

looked up at him. “Roman, I’m so scared! I have this feeling that I won’t be able

of despair, Roman felt a strong stab of pain in his heart. Wasn’t Chandler’s fear his own fear as well? Even if he and Erin weren’t meant to be in this lifetime, he couldn’t bear to see her

up and turn away. Beads of sweat trickled into his eyes, further intensifying the stinging sensation. He shut his eyes

Chandler’s close friend, Roman understood better than anyone how he felt at that moment.

pessimistic words! How about we make a bet, Chandler? Whoever finds Erin first can ask her to

words made Chandler stand up slowly. His strange

few seconds, Chandler asked abruptly. “What do you mean by that?”

his internal struggles, Roman turned around and faced his good friend calmly. “You already knew since a long time ago, didn’t

a chilling tone, “Have

bluntly, Roman clenched his fists and answered without flinching. “Yes,

huge strides. Leaping over

yelled at Chandler’s departing figure, “Is my love for her

in your

footsteps slowed down, and he turned back to stare at Roman intently. After a moment of contemplation, he replied, “Roman, thank you for going all out to motivate me. It worked! I’m fine now. Erin is still waiting for me, so I won’t let her down!”

after Chandler left the boxing gym, Roman remained rooted in the same

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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