Chapter 169 Confrontation in Person

The woman’s voice that came out of nowhere startled Erin greatly. She anxiously looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

Tessa lazily sat in a chair with a pair of black headphones over her ears. She chuckled and said. “Take a close look at the deer head hanging on the wall. The deer’s eyes are actually surveillance cameras.”

Her hint immediately drew Erin’s attention to the deer head. She stood up and took a few steps forward, carefully staring at the eyes of the deer head. Indeed, there were cameras as the lemale voice had said.

“Who the hell are you? Why did you lock me up here? This is kidnapping and illegal imprisonment!” Erin angrily shouted at the eyes of the

deer head.

Tessa burst into raucous laughter. She said amusedly. “You’re a prisoner at my mercy, so whether you live or die is completely up to me. Are you sure you want to lecture me about legalities under such a circumstance?”

Hearing how smug she sounded, Erin took a deep breath to calm herself down. Suppressing her urge to curse at the other party viciously. she asked seriously, “Stop beating around the bush. What is your purpose in doing this? Tell me now!”

If the other party had intended to kill her, they wouldn’t have kept her captive for so long. They would’ve ended her life the moment they

had the chance.

The smile on Tessa’s face gradually faded, and deep jealousy appeared in her eyes. Despite being in a plight, Erin’s lively and bright eyes were still captivating. This sparked enormous hatred in Tessa, as she had an ugly scar on her forehead.

“Erin, don’t you think Chandler is just infatuated with your face? Let’s say you’re disfigured Do you think he’ll still love you?” Her voice was sinister, carrying a hint of murderous intent. It made Erin tremble with a sense of unease.

Hearing the unknown woman mention Chandler, Erin quickly guessed that her kidnapping was somehow related to him.

“If you really know Chandler, then you should understand that he’s always surrounded by beautiful women. In fact, plenty of them are far more beautiful than me.” Erin spoke calmly even though her palms were slightly cold. If the woman planned to disfigure her, what could

she do?

Tessa fell silent. After about a minute, she suddenly said, “Erin, I’ve changed my mind. I want to release you early, but of course, I won’t let you go. I just kind of look forward to speaking with you face to face.”

Erin didn’t say anything. She was completely at the mercy of this unknown lady. Meanwhile, Tessa had already turned off the microphone.

a drone to fly over the roof and drop a ladder through the sunroof. After that, the

feeling somewhat perplexed. She didn’t

microphone, “Erin, use the rope ladder to descend from

to pick you up.”

crashing at Erin’s heart like a wrecking ball.

sharp pain in her lower back as she proceeded along

she woke up again, she found

you want me to descend from the tower, you should first remove the iron chain


is on the rope ladder I dropped. Find it yourself,

for the key. It didn’t take long before she found a piece of wood with an old iron key attached to it with adhesive tape. She

off her ankle.

She then picked up the rope ladder from the ground and walked

a sturdy iron hook deeply drilled into the wooden frame of the window. That was why Erin tried so hard

the curtain.

held up firmly without any issues. Next, she threw the rope ladder down the dome. Although

structure. 1

slight fear. She had never climbed

have a choice this

to carefully climb down from the window. Although the child in her belly hadn’t developed into al fetus with a recognizable shape yet, she didn’t dare take

kept her gaze upward, making sure to step on each wooden plank securely before taking the next step. After more than ten minutes. she suddenly felt that there was only air underneath her right foot. Erin instinctively looked down and realized that she was already

to the ground.

her in a dilemma. Should she jump down from

fell and harmed the child in her belly?

He looked up and reassured her, “Miss Lane, you can jump down with peace of mind. I’ll catch you, and I’ll be careful not

mixed with anger surged in her heart instantaneously. She

trusted him!

two bodyguards accompany her from the beginning. However, she wouldn’t know that even

wouldn’t have made a difference.

on now, Miss Lane. You should jump down.” Jack’s face was devoid of expression, and the

that Erin didn’t even catch

in consideration of the life form in her belly. She said aloud, “I’ll count to three, and

three, I’ll jump. Ok?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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