Chapter 181 Here’s Your Father

Paulo’s words were highly effective.

Erin began to take deep breaths and silently repeated in her mind. “Ok, calm down! I need to stay calm! I need to stay alive for my child so that I can get him back. I must undergo treatment-”

For a full ten minutes. Erin brainwashed herself, repeatedly reciting these important reasons to give herself courage. Gradually, her

heartbeat slowed down and returned to a normal rhythm.

The red light on the heart rate monitor disappeared, replaced by the green light once more. Although Paulo’s expression didn’t change. much, he silently breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He pondered for a moment and asked, “Should I inform your family to come to see you first?”

Without hesitation, Erin blurted, “No!”

If she were still her old self, she would want to see her family as soon as possible and reassure them not to worry. But now, in her current state, she didn’t have the courage to face them. At least, she wasn’t mentally prepared for it yet. If her family saw her, it would only add to their sadness and sorrow. If they were upset, she would be upset as well. This would ultimately increase the emotional burden on each


“I don’t want to see them for now,” Erin stated feebly, trying to explain herself.

Paulo remained silent, understanding her concerns. He then changed the subject. “Are you hungry? I’ll have the nurse prepare your

specialized meals.”

Ten seconds went by, and there wasn’t any response from Erin. Just as Paulo was about to ask again, she suddenly looked up at him and sincerely said, “Thank you, Mr. Eastwood. Thank you for saving me.”

For her to be able to return to normal social human speech eased Paulo’s mind by a little. Though it was just a small change, it was

indicative of Erin’s mental condition. She was stronger than he’d imagined.

you that if you’re determined and have a strong desire to recover–that’s stronger than anything else. In turn, I’ll be confident in treating your burns too.” Paulo rarely made promises to people,

woman he’d personally saved grew

to leave Garden of Eden disfigured beyond recognition, it would mar his career as a plastic surgeon. She was just a woman with

but I don’t have anything to my name now. I don’t want my family to know about my situation for the time being, so I can’t afford the medical expenses. Will you still be willing to treat me?” Erin’s words were calm and composed. She was just stating the facts without intentionally

people who are willing to spend tens of millions for me to operate on their faces? But I’ve had enough of that when I was young, and I don’t lack money. I haven’t performed plastic surgery for eight years. But


Erin, and she asked, “Do I need plastic surgery for my

it was? I can only

and straightforward. Erin understood, but she found it hard to accept at that moment. Waves of overwhelming despair surged through

suicide. Although the sweet feeling of regaining freedom was tainted by the pain of disfigurement and losing her child, her

born, she knew clearly that she was now a mother.

her son first!

Her illogical resilience was baffling. Given the circumstances, she had no other choice but to be strong. What didn’t kill her would ultimately turn into a source of

it’s within my means.” Paulo no longer held on to his inherent principles rigidly. He decided to help Erin as much as he could

my elementary school

find out

details she wanted to know, and Paulo listened attentively, mentally taking

any news.” He prepared to leave to take care of the things Erin mentioned.

figure, Erin raised her voice and said. “Thank

smiled charmingly. “You getting better soon would be of greatest help to

reception was taking place in lan’s new

was lan, and

mutual feelings for each other through continuous contact and quickly entered into a romantic relationship. Today was the day of their wedding. Yvette had already reunited with her biological parents, Steven

of the past were also clarified by

without a heartbeat. At that time, Ms. Zinn, who was in charge of delivering the baby, and a young nurse were secretly involved in baby trafficking. Seeing that Yvette had health problems at birth, they thought they’d scored. As

several different places because she was a female infant and not


was ultimately through lan’s intervention that Yvette’s true origins came to light. Soon after Yvette and lan started interacting, Lamar discovered lan’s true intentions and vehemently

was completely taken over by lan. After she secretly eloped with him a few times, Lamar fell ill

to Yvette and hoped she would live a good life. advising her

away early, and Lamar himself suffered from infertility, so he didn’t have any children. In the end, all of his substantial family wealth went to Yvette. The amount of wealth

looked exactly the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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